Mic'd drums in studio's?


New member
This is my favorite forum due to all the pics of everyones studio....
My pics are months away ok ok maybe weeks but no where near ready....
I am trying to see pics of drum sets that are mic'd.
I have posed a different type of message in other forum's but I know my best chance is these studio owners!!!! LOL
I am trying to learn about stands and placement and being blonde, I count on pics alot LOL

Does anyone have any pics they can post or links to some PLEASE?

Thank you VERY much
well, the drums arent mic'd, but they are on my site somewhere.....


my typical mic setup for drums is

sennheiser e602 for bass drum. usually mounted on a mini mic stand so that i can get it inside the drum.

shure sm57 on snare. still have not found a mic that works better for me.

sennheiser e604 for toms. these are low profile and clip right on the drum. very durable too. (for the wild drummers)

oktava mc012 for overheads. been doing a spaced pair lately. really liking the results in combo with room mics. i center them using the bass drum and snare drum as my center axis. i put these mics almost to the ceiling. (about 9 1/2 ft high) i like the sound of the cymbals from farther away. not quite as harsh. plus, the drums sound huge!

custom made (by my brother) 1" diaphram condensers as room mics. i usually put these on one mic stand with a stereo bar. xy has been the easiest to get a good sound. i basically use these mics to add a bit of "sheen" to the drums. a little goes a long way with room mics.

i will post a pic this evening....

i should add, there are many different approaches to recording drums. i go for a true life, in a room type sound. when mixing, i start with my overheads and bass drum mic. then, bring the close mics up inderneath it. this makes using gates virtually transparent...
I have been doing so much reading on the subject from the members and the sites they have shared. So much to learn which is also why seeing pics help.
I saw your studio in another thread and it is another one of those awesome set-ups with equip to die for. Very very nice!
In reading your post I see the 1st model of a mic that clips on the toms which is what I might be looking for.
Thank you for the help so far!!!

thanks for your comments, it definately isnt on par with BB, but i dont have any excuse for not getting some decent sounds... :) the clip on mics have some advantages. often it is difficult to get stands in and around cymbals and cymbal stands. the disadvantage is being limited with placement. i find myself messing mainly with the angle of the mic. you do have some height adjustment as well.

dont forget, the most important part of a good drum sound is an excellent drummer! a great kit helps as well. :D why can my dw's sound killer one session, and like crap the next? this factor alone....
I have a drummer friend coming over this weekend so thats why I may seem in a rush for knowledge and then getting what I need after researching so if I want to return something if the sound isnt right for the room I can do it before they go back home.
I found some clips and posted a question in the drum section to see what most use (clips or stands) I probably have room for stands but using clips if they are efficient would be better.