Mic weirdness


New member
I was doing some recording last night on my korg d16.
I was running an ecm8000 into a mackie 1202-vlz pro and then patching that channel to track one in the recorder. I could plug my headphones into the mackie and listen to myself as I recorded with the ecm8000. When I tried this exact same thing with a electrovoice dynamic mic I could not hear myself in the headphone unless I unplugged the patch from the mackie to the D16. Yet it would record fine into the d16, but it wasn't even showing a signal on the mackie?? Can anyone tell my why this happens?? Thanks.

I guess I would suggest you try the experiment again. Make sure you had the connections are Identical in both cases.

It sounds like you "maybe" had the patch cord in two different places durring your recording. If you plugged into the direct out, your mixer would also get the signal to the master section. If you acidently plug the patch cord into the insert jack you would have by-passed the rest of the mixer and only sent a signal to the recorder. I don't use mackie boards but assume that they have simular connections on them. The two different mic's would not make any difference in the signal chain only the output level.

If you did not have them in different places I would try again and see what happens. Make sure the mute button was not ingaged.