Mic-Studio 50 -50???????


New member
I've heard that the quality of sound that you get from a Microphone depends 50% on the Mic, and the other 50% on the acoustics (of course excluding the quality of the singer)...

But is this really true? I mean does the acoustics really take such a large percentage?

I have noticed that when I record with my studio microphone, that it's slightly dull sounding. Could this be due to the mic or the lack of high frequency echo in my studio? I do think it lacks a fare bit of it actually come to think of it even though its got a lot of wood...

That brings me to another question. Does polishing wood help in this situation? I mean, right now, the wood isn't polished but I've heard that maybe putting a think polish will give a little extra shine in the high frequencies.

The answer to your question depends largely on what you are recording and how you are miking. The short answer is yes, the room is important. Very important. For close miking applications, the room plays a smaller role, but it is still going to be in there. Mics and preamps affect what is picked up from the room.

Waxing your floor will do little or nothing.
Yeah the room has a lot to do with it. Trying sing/talking in different parts of your house and really listen to the difference, i.e. your closet, then your bathroom, a hallway. You'll notice your voice sounds very different in each room (our brain normally tunes these differences out). Scrubs is correct that you can minimize the effect of the room with close mic'ing, you are increasing the volume of the direct source versus the reflections echos. Conversely, when you monitor (listen back) to the sound your room also has an effect on what you hear, so acoustic treatment is important there too.
Try moving around the room until you find a spot where you get closer to the sound you're looking for, or move reflective objects around if you are looking for a more "live" sound.

Polishing the wood won't really help your sound, but it may make you feel better :D (sorry, couldn't resist)