Mic storage guestion

Hot Rocks

New member
I have a new NT1 that I use as my main mic for my 4 track recordings. Am I harming it by putting a big plastic food storage bag over the top when I'm not useing it as a dust cover? I have a dog and a cat and the home that my studio is in is only 800 square feet.I have the bag drooped over it,not tight around the bottom so air can get in but I Don't know if this is a good idea.I use the mic pretty frequently and want it accessable. My recording deck's are kept covered as this hair/fur travels.my dog is a husky mix and the cat's a persian. We vacuum alot around here.Appreciate anyones advice
I recently purchase an NT1 and AKG c3000(used). I use the styrofoam material from
my other gear boxes and cut the foam into
the shapes of my var mics.I then wrap lint-
free cloths around them prior to placing into the foam holders. I also thought about
placing my mics in plastic but worried about condensation buildup on hot days when my mics are not in use.
While Covering up the mic is a good idea, I wouldn't Leave them up on mic stands when I wasn't useing them. The possibility for damage by knocking them over is scary and if you have a dog (like I do) they don't give a shit how much you paid for the mics. I keep mine in a drawer that I cut a piece of foam rubber to fit the mics with packets of silica gell to absorb moisture.
I never leave mine on the stand . . . not even the AT4033 with the pain-in-the-ass shock mount . . at least it came with a padded storage case. I would also worry about moisture using the plastic bag.
For my mics that didn't come with padded cases, I bought cheap hand gun cases at Wal-Mart for about 10 bucks each. The internal foam can be trimmed to fit your mics and you can put silica gel in as well.

Thanks for the Replys guys,I do worry about condensation a bit, Thats why I asked this question. we keep the air conditioner on for the Pets while we are out at work and the NT1's on a shelf safe from my dog, I don't know,maybe I'm better off leaving it un covered. inspiration and ideas are hard to come by for me so thats why I like it to be plugged in and ready.Thanks again, H
The use of a dessicant (sp?) like Track Rat and PAPicker suggested sounds like the most important thing you could do to prevent corrosion.