Mic Purchasing, please help/don't hurt me!


New member
Ok I haven't posted on this until now because I didn't want to post another "Best mic in my price range" thing but now its become a different sort of question I have after a LOT of search/reading on this forum.

I'm looking to start building a mic cabinet, starting with a good vocal mic (or two), but while I want one that sounds good on my voice, I intend to record other people so if whatever sounds good on me is really bright, I'm thinking maybe I should get a darker mic to compensate or vice versa. Now originally I was looking at buying 1 mic, anywhere from $200-$800, and these were what I had narrowed it down to:

BLUE Baby Bottle

I know, pretty big difference in price and possibly quality, but I had originally planned to go to GC with as much money as I could get and was hoping they'd let me audition some if I was serious about taking one home, then I'd buy based on what sounded best with my voice, as long as I felt the price matched the performance. Anyone gotten GC to let them audition mics in the store? I don't have enough money to buy a bunch and then return some of them.

Now instead I'm debating between still shooting for that $500-800 range and getting one fantastic mic for my voice, or instead getting two of the cheaper mics, like the SP C1 (I hear its bright, hyped high end?) and somethign warmer (been reading about the MXL V69 and V67g, but don't know a lot yet) so that I'll have two complimentary mics so that at least one between them will work for a variety of voices.

Presently all I have is a shure SM57 and a Behringer B2, which I bought because it was my first LDC, it had two polar patterns, and at the time at MARS it sounded flatter to me than the AKG C3000b, which is what I thought I wanted. Plus I heard it was an ok all around mic. I'm now starting to hear/understand its limitations, hence wanting (and being ready for) better, starting with vocals.

Also, the biggest flaw in my GC plan (other than I don't really know if they'll allow me to try mics in the store) is that I work in a small independant music store and so I can get deals through my store, but generally (with the exception of 1 or 2 of the above brands) I have to special order them, so I can't try them there before I buy.

For the rest of the signal chain, I'm using an M-Audio Omni-Studio (so pres similar to the DMP3 I imagine) and will soon also be purchasing a RNC. I don't think stating music style will help much because the kinds of vocals I record vary so much that I'll have anythign from sparse acoustic instruments to a dense mix with a lot of distorted guitars, which is why I think I may have to get more than one mic.

So any suggestions or advice is greatly appreciated.
I would advise getting something "good" right away. I have a drawer full of cheap mics that never even see the sun. The NTK is a great mic, I use it often. The brightness is very easy to eq if you run into a voice that needs more warmth. The groove tubes 1b is a darker tube that I have gotten good results from on vocals and acoustics, tha baby bottle (ebay $350 or so) is nice too
Audio technica 3035. 4033, 4040 are also good solid studio performers
In HIs Name
I'm leaning towards getting a SP C1 (partially because it is so highly regarded and so cheap that it'll barely dent my budget) and then a warm mic, the current leader being the MXL V69ME. So less than $500 for two very different mics. Though I'm also considering spending more on the warm mic, and going for something like the BLUE Baby Bottle, since it seems like a higher league mic and I have a feeling a lot of my vocals may need the warm mic. Hopefully I can still find a way to supplement this plan with some actual auditioning.