Mic pre's in a Mackie 1202


New member
On a scale of 0 to 10, how do the mic preamps in the Mackie 1202 mixer measure up compared to other mixers and/or standalone preamps in the under-$200 range?

I picked up a second-hand Mackie 1202 that seems to have quite a bit of wear on it. The seller said it was used outdoors a lot. Would sending it to a shop for a checkup and cleaning do it any good?

Yes I have the 1402 which has the same mic pre's. If they are the vlz pre's then there pretty good. I would say better than any other under $200 mic pre. Plus you get 4 of them.
10 out of 10 for the under $200 mark
7 out of 10 for the under $2000 mark

Then shave a number off that rating. I have a 12002VLZ, 1604VLZ and a vintage (ha) 1604 witha roto pod. There's a very subtle difference between the two but a difference none the less.
Im wondering if the Soundcraft M series with the Ghost pres that cost arround the same price where they would rate, Ive heard the Makie pres and they are ok pres,but on the other hand Ive read here on these boards that the pre on the audiobuddy are a step above them.

By the way is the reference for ten the neve' pres or are they the good mackie pres?
i have NEVER heard of anyone preferring a mackie pre over a soundcraft pre, in fact much the opposite. but of course i'm just going on hearsay, so don't take me word for it, try to compare the two.
I think most people very highly prefer the Soundcraft's eq (and just about everything else) to the Mackie's, but rate the preamps fairly close - soundcraft might have only a slight edge there.

As for the Audio Buddy being better? Probably not. They're all pretty much in the same league. The DMP3 might be a (very small) step above, though. That's probably the one you're thinking of. But even that's debatable.
don't forget you can

bypass the EQ out of the insert (just one click in) and just run a "cleaner" signal out that way.
One other thing....

I'm a mackie user....cant complain for the 1500 bucks I got my 24.8 for...but I think most folks are biased to the names "soundcraft" and "Mackie." Every newbie on the planet will tell you Soundcraft is better and so on as they tweak their Behringer 6 channel into some cracked version of some program.

What I want to know is...has anyone here done a direct comparison? I ask because I'm curious. Are the Soundcraft pres SO much better? Would they stand alone...are they that good? I dont know myself...but I would doubt it personally. I cant imagine one owning both mixers. If I could afford BOTH a 24.8 and a ghost, for instance, I would have neither;)

I would rate the mackie pres a 7 or 8 out of 10 in their range. I havent used anything better in the price range personally. I've promised myself an upgrade in boards but only when I can UPGRADE for REAL....when the difference will be SO apparent. I doubt anything in the pricerange can do that. Guess thats what standalones like my HHB and Meek are for.

Apparently on a tangent
heylow said:
yeah....sure beats the hell out of learning mic placement.....:rolleyes:

Mic placement can only be effective for so long. About as long as it takes for your subject to start thinking he/she is on stage, or gets uncomfortable, and starts moving around and out of your sweet spot you spent hours to find. :(

Give me a good bass rolloff and eq any day of the week!

(btw: For their range, I would rate the Mackies a 9 or 10 for their pres, and a 3 for their eq. The Soundcrafts I would rate a 9 or 10 for pres, and another 9 or 10 for their eq - for their range, that is).
I'm a mackie user....cant complain for the 1500 bucks I got my 24.8 for...but I think most folks are biased to the names "soundcraft" and "Mackie." Every newbie on the planet will tell you Soundcraft is better and so on as they tweak their Behringer 6 channel into some cracked version of some program.

Waaaahhhh!!! I resemble that remark, you prick!
but what if you WANT eq?

Get a real EQ from the insert.

As I reccall the ? was on the PRE'S baby

great point on the mic placement heylough, halo, You know who I mean