Mic Preamp


New member
I have been using the preamps in my yamaha mixing board for recording mic'd amplifiers and also for vocals. Is there any benefit in getting a preamp specifically for vocals, or would I be better off investing in a higher quality microphone for vocal work or both?

Reccomendations that won't break the bank? (<$1000)
I have been using the preamps in my yamaha mixing board for recording mic'd amplifiers and also for vocals. Is there any benefit in getting a preamp specifically for vocals, or would I be better off investing in a higher quality microphone for vocal work or both?

Reccomendations that won't break the bank? (<$1000)

It's all terribly subjective. A M-Audio DMP-3 is only $160 while a FMR RNP is $475. Both have their fans but your ears are the only judge you should pay attention to. Heaven knows you can drop a lot more then that on a pre.

What mic are you using now?
Yes what is the microphone that your using ? For it all starts with the microphone if it's not up to par nothing down the audio line will fix it!
But the investment can be staggering, for not every microphone will be the best in every recording situation as can be said with the match up of a pre amp to any one microphone.
The Mics are Samson Q6 models. I know the mic is the first thing in the line, so My thought was to go there first. I'm not entirely dissastified with the results I'm getting, but I feel like it could be better.