Mic Pre on a whim


New member
Alright, let's suppose I have a "friend" that went out tonight and had a number of beers. This "friend" also suffers from a pathological case of "gear acquisition syndrome." Let's also suppose this "friend" wanted to by a really great preamp that he's still be happy with in ten years. What would my friend buy?

Here are some thoughts, and other suggestions are welcome.

Great River MP-NV2
Focusrite Red-7
Brent Averill Neve 1272
Vintech Neve 1272
Dan Alexander Neve
Wait for the VTB-2 and RNP

This would be used primarily for vocals, guitars & keyboards. My primary vocal mic is a SP-C1 and my voice is a smooth (not great) tenor. Also, anybody tried Sweetwater's mic pre comparison CD's. It seems like a good idea since it's damn near impossible to listen to all the different pres at the same time.