mic pre around 500?


New member
any suggestions? good mic preamp for male rock vocals around this range? i have heard that the grace 101 is good, but not for specifically "male rock vocals". thanx guys
I love it when people say the word rock. :D Male rock vocals. Hmmm. Are we talkin' rawwwwwk :D . . . or are we talking Indie rock, pop rock, punk rock, classic rock, or rock&roll?

If you can stretch your budget a little, how about seeing if you can track down a Peavey VMP-2 off ebay or an old old Altec tube mixer? (oops. I wasn't supposed to say that).

Joemeek also springs to mind as a rock thing -- mostly due to it's EQ and compression, though.
Due to its limiter, the Safe Sound P1 pretty much rules at that price point for rock vocals. It's $599 but worth it.
hey thanx .... to be a lil more specific on "rock vocals", i guess the closest comparison would be jeff keith from tesla. i guess the grace is no good for this? i was considering the focusrite voicmaster pro, which i know is not tube, but i heard alot of good things about. thanx!
I just got through going at all the different pres out there for rock n roll. I eventually ended up settling for the M-audio TAMPA. It's a very nice preamp, vocals sound real clear though it, it's excellent for DI bass stuff, my mic'ed guitars have never sounded so good to me, it's got and optical compressor that I love, and last, it's got built in digital I/O which I'm very happy with. At the least , you might want to look into it like I did. I believe digitalproaudio.com has it on sale for $349. The price was dropped this month for $600.
Hope this helps
omg there are so many of these things, all great suggestions though. open to more!!!! i cant decide!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!
I like my hhb radius 50 lately, I also like my toft atc. Iam looking at the rane MS1b. for $150 it is getting some great reviews and I have the other stuff for fluff (comp,eq,de esser, noise gate)
http://www.rane.com/ms1b.html-------- Got some great reviews against some tough competition (i think it was mojo pie)
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