mic phasing thread for a noob?


New member
so i have a pair of at4033s (not matched though) and i'm trying basic guitar vocal stuff with them. sometimes i track one at a time and and sometimes i do ax and vox with one AT and some pantyhose by my mouth and the other down around the hole- a bit forward toward the neck really. (the guitar is an esteve nylon string and i'm recording via an 01v to Logic 6)

so what's all this about phase and reversing phase? do i need to do anything when i'm recording with two mics a few feet from each other?

i'm sure this is a basic topic - i read this thread http://www.music.columbia.edu/cmc/courses/g6630/Phase.html but while it gives good background i'm not sure how it relates to my situation.

i do feel like the vox i've done so far lack presence - but then i'm not sure if that's even the right word. also i only have the pre's on the 01v, so i'm wondering if that's a weak link of sorts.