Mic noise


New member
I have been recording with the computer mic and get a clean sound but not a good sound. It sounds like you are in a hole, but no buzzing. I am now trying to record with a Shure BG 3.1 and getting a good sound but it has a buzz in it. I am plugging right into the computer with the mic. Can anyone help? Are there any kind of filters that might fix the buzzing?

The buzzing could be a result of several factors. What soundcard are you using? A good suggestion would be to get something like and m-audio audiophile 2496($100) and plug you mic into a mixer/standalone preamp into the audiophile. If you don't have the money to get this equipment, try to find a program like cool edit or something. They have filters to get rid of hum in the 50-60hz frequency. I hope i helped you.