Mic for field recordings?


New member
Hey all, I am interested in making my own samples for some industrial music, I need machine like noises, ratcheting, clicks, gear whining, etc... is there a Mic type that is better for field recording? first, dynamic or condensor? and secondly, anyone have a mic they use that produces good results?
do you already have any mics if so i would try those first, if not i would probably go with a condesor if you want something more detailed that will pick up sound over a larger area and pick up more of the nuances or a dynamic if you want to pick up sounds from certain parts of a machine say a single gear instead if the whole machine. it doesnt sound like you will need an expensive mic but if you could maybe give a little more detail like specificly some of the machines and the type of location they are in and a budget and well any other info you can think of and i could try and recomend a specific mic
Darkecho, have you considered a shotgun mic? Might be easier to target the precise sounds you're looking at collecting. I shoot video a bit, where rejecting extraneous sounds from the sides is important...collecting samples for industrial music might share that need.

Sometimes, a machine is giving off a sound, and the rest of the machine is making noises, too--ones that you might not want to highlight. Something more directional would help with that...maybe something like this
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I don't know what you are using for a recorder, but I've had very good luck with SONY ECM-MS957. A mid priced ($250 or so) mid-side stereo mic, it's an electret condenser. Much more believable than the $100 or so crop of stereo mics. Rode NT-4 isn't bad, either. I personally prefer the SONY. Check out both of those mics.-Richie