mic for Brass instrument


New member
Anyone have a suggestion for a brass instrument mic. Trombone in particular. I would like the type the clips to the bell and is appropriate for recording a brass sound. I would be running this into a compressor at minimum and probably eq as well.

thanks for any info,
Where do you want to record? on a live gig or in a studio? In the studio Never use a clipon! use a ribbon or condenser mic. U can pick up a "AKG perception 200/400" for very reasonable prices that sound 1literally 1:1 like a 414. look up NewYorkBrass.com - we have a comprehensive brass recording guide there.
Brass is easy.... get an SM57 or equivalent and call it a day. And yeah, clip on is only for live situations.
His question was posed in 2004. The poster last logged on almost two years ago. Don't be disappointed if he doesn't answer your question.

and it's a good thing cause the answers are questionable... the perceptions are not like a 414 IMO... and to suggest that brass is easy and just get a 57???

i do like dynamics for trombones though... i started out as a trombone player... an re20 works real well i think...