Mic Dilemma and site URL


New member
Hey guys,
I lost the URL but there was a site that included hundreds of samples of mic and pre combinations and I'm trying to find it again. Anyone know or have the link? I particularly found a recording of a Guitar using a Project C1 and I think a John Hardy m-1 preamp and I loved the sound but I'm not sure if that was the combination...

Well, I have about $200 to spend right now and I'm at a cross between either getting an Audix D4 to complete the required amount of mics I'd need to mic a drum kit, or a Studio Project C1 mic for the reason described above. Both are excellent mics but dont know which one to go with first! On one side though, I dont have drum kit work at the moment. I do already have 2 D2's and a D6. I have reasonably ok overhead mics and another ok pencil condenser mic that I could use for the high hats. Lastly for the snare I have 2 SM57's. All I'm missing is a floor tom mic! Like I said though, I dont have any drum session recordings planed atm. But it's still nice to be prepared...idk lmao! Also, anyone know about the Sennheiser e 602 II?

On the case with the C1 though, a few other mics have recently peeked my interest:
*Studio Project C1
*MXL 2006
*MXL 4000