Mic choices


New member
Been debating some OH mic choices for my drumkit.

So far I am using a pair of AKG c1000s for OH's, sm57's on toms and snare and a trigger on the bass drum.

From what I am gathering on this forum, I am coming up with different options:

1. Forget about upgrading my c1000s' and use the recorderman technique or learn to place the mics better. Pick up another pair of API's instead of mics.

2. Pick up 2 AKG 414's to replace the c1000s' and just keep the sm57 on snare and the trigger on the bass drum.

3. Try a pair of Josephson c42 mics instead of the 1000s'. Much more affordable than the 414's!

If I need to go the 414 pair route, I would probably sell my blue baby bottle and pair of c1000s' because I wouldn't really need them anymore, etc.

Not only would the 414's give you fabulous oh's, you will have two of the best " utility infielders" in home studios across this great land of ours.
The 42's are great on acoustic guitars and oh's and other sdc duties but the 414's fill so many other gaps they are a fine addition to any studio. Don't sell mics if you don't have to unless you hate them.

Thanks for the info, but any input on what you would recommend I do? Keep everything and pick up a pair of 414's is my best bet? I figure since I already have a vocal mic I use (blue baby bottle), I could save a grand and pick up the Josephsons instead for dedicated OH's...

I already use 57's on the guitar cabs (mesa/boogie) and go direct with bass out of an ampeg amp.

I guess I could try and start using 414's on everything or in addition to things, etc...
If I can add... a great option for overheads is the Studio Projects B1. It's pretty transparent and I've used these as drum overheads with great success. Some have said that the B1 can be used in applications much like the 414uls (in cardiod).

I've also recently used the B1 as a vocal mic on a certain singer when my other mics didn't quite sound right. The vocalist had a full, clear, deep quality that the others didn't catch well.

Just thought I'd throw that in as a budget alternative that doesn't sound budget and let you keep the mic's that you have also.

Hope this helps,

If you are willing to hit the used market, there are plenty of C414s out there for between $500 and $600 each. Narrows the gap with the C42s (which are great mics -- I have a pair). A pair of used C42s might run you @$750 or so with some careful shopping. Which model of C414 were you considering? A pair of AKG C460s wouldn't be bad for overheads either and would be about $500 - $600 or so for a used pair. I'm not a fan of the C1000 (others may differ) so I could certainly see unloading those to finance whatever purchase you make.
My experience has been that the Studio Projects really does not sound at all like a 414 whether it be ULS, cardiod or any other. Is the B1 a decent mic for the money? Certainly. Is it an adequate replacement for a 414? Not even close.

Personally, I would try and keep the Baby Bottle because it is a good niche mic, but I would have no problem selling the C1000's for 414's since in my experience there are VERY few times where I would prefer a c1000 over a 414.
RE: AKG C414s

I bought a pair of C414B-ULS mics right as the new model C414s were coming out. The C414 XLS series is not the same sound at all....totally different from the B-ULS/TLII series. I'd rather use the older model C414B-ULS any time IMHO. In fact, I'm looking for a C414 TLII model right now.
PinkStrat said:
I bought a pair of C414B-ULS mics right as the new model C414s were coming out. The C414 XLS series is not the same sound at all....totally different from the B-ULS/TLII series. I'd rather use the older model C414B-ULS any time IMHO. In fact, I'm looking for a C414 TLII model right now.

Anyone else agree with this? If I should be trying to find the older model, that's what I'll look for. I am just hesitant about buying used due to the fact that the element could be slightly damaged, etc. You never know what the mic was put thru, etc.
I don't know about this for a fact, but it wouldn't surprise me. Every time AKG "revises" or rereleases an earlier design, the newer ones seem to be inferior. The 414b/ULS itself was a redesign of the 414-EB, and the EB is still considered by most to be the better mic. Then there is the C12 versus the C12VR...
My experience is that the newer XLS series is very similar to the ULS series. Even the EB was not that different.
My experience is that the newer XLS series is very similar to the ULS series. Even the EB was not that different

well, there arent any differences other than the circuitry and the pattern choices. and of course the CK12 capsule of the EB (brass, as opposed to the modern Mylar/PET incarnation, modern version sounds like dog shit, imho) and the usage of 17 transistors as opposed to 7, and modern versions working on only 48 as opposed to the eb working on any voltage from 12-52 v, and providing capsule polarization with a DC>>DC converter as opposed to from a network of capacitors and resistors.

other than that, no difference. :p

i despise all of AKGs new line. ive used most of them. I did buy a 426B stereo mic primarly because I got it for 3 grand instead of the normal 6, but they can keep their products for the most part.
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I'm not a big 414 as overheads fan however it is a very versatile and usable mic I have a fetish for them with guitar cabinets right now. I've been using U87's as overheads and it's an awesome sound but it is expensive.

However I bought a pair of those 20 dollar karma mics and stuck them up as overheads and to me they beat the 414's so did my SE Electronics se2's so did the Neumann KM184's

Just something to think about there are way more mics out there that fit the bill for overhead mics.


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How about the 414-B XLII ? I found a stereo pair of those for a good price... Are they not up to par with the other 414 XLS? EB's are gonna be harder to find....

Any others for the Royer 121's for OH's and add'l Guitar cab duties instead?
sbcgroup2 said:
How about the 414-B XLII ? I found a stereo pair of those for a good price... Are they not up to par with the other 414 XLS? EB's are gonna be harder to find....

Any others for the Royer 121's for OH's and add'l Guitar cab duties instead?

the xlII is transformer less, and a lot "cleaner" sounding than the xls.

if you need a multitasker...the at 4050 pair is hard to beat. if you need just guitar cab duties..the beyer m130/m160 is hard to beat...if you need overheads, the gefell m300 is supreme.