mic choice need darker mic


New member
i was used to using my mk319 (what is considered a darker mic)
i bought my at4040 and although i love its brightness and clarity
i need a darker mic with similar detail. any suggestions in the 0-700 range
at4047 or 4050 maybe?
Scoob said:
i was used to using my mk319 (what is considered a darker mic)
i bought my at4040 and although i love its brightness and clarity
i need a darker mic with similar detail. any suggestions in the 0-700 range
at4047 or 4050 maybe?

I think you would find the 4050 to be very similar to the 4040, just not quite as bright. It might be perfect, based on what you're looking for.
Ive heard the mxl v69 is a very dark mic...and its a tube mic....i believe from what i read most people like it and have always commented that its "dark" sounding....i have no first hand experience with it, but like I said ive read alot that stated that.
Janesaid2me said:
Ive heard the mxl v69 is a very dark mic...and its a tube mic....i believe from what i read most people like it and have always commented that its "dark" sounding....i have no first hand experience with it, but like I said ive read alot that stated that.

The V69 is not a dark mic, actually it has a sparkling hi end. It's not a neutral sounding mic, quite colored but I like it very on a number of applications.

Ribbon mics are dark and because the ribbon is very thin they combine the advantages of both dynamics and condensers.
Janesaid2me said:
Ive heard the mxl v69 is a very dark mic...and its a tube mic....i believe from what i read most people like it and have always commented that its "dark" sounding....i have no first hand experience with it, but like I said ive read alot that stated that.

It sounds like you might like the mxl V76 (tube). It's a balanced sounding mic and there's a hint of the U87 to it, which to me has a dark character. It's the only budget mic I would recommend that I think delivers smooth midrange and silky highs with some darkness to boot. This isn't to say that it's a U87, however; but's it's still a lovely mic.
so far the list is
mxl v76
at4050 or 4047
and ribbon mics which are a new animal to me.
any other suggestions?
what ribbons in the 700 range?
Don't laugh- AKG Solidtube. Just rip the silly foam wind screen out of it and it will do exactly what you are asking for.
Scoob said:
i was used to using my mk319 (what is considered a darker mic)
i bought my at4040 and although i love its brightness and clarity
i need a darker mic with similar detail. any suggestions in the 0-700 range
at4047 or 4050 maybe?

Stetch your budget a bit (to $800 or so) and consider an AEA R92 ribbon mic.
Han said:
The V69 is not a dark mic, actually it has a sparkling hi end.

The V69 has a nice airy top end, but it's still dark. But airy is more in the 12K+ range, and does not mean it's bright. "Bright" and sparkling are more in the 5K-10K range.

A mic can be dark and still have nice air.

Sparkling high-end implies the mic is bright - such as an AKG 414 or 251.

Scoob, maybe this in-progress mic graph will help http://www.thelisteningsessions.com/micgraph.htm

My 2¢.

on bass it's a different mic from the AT line - i guess a more aggressive midrange or something - on vocals it has that same old funky edgy top which i wouldn't describe as dark. i don't think this one would fit the bill but ya never know.

"what ribbons in the 700 range?"

RCA BK5. Beyer M160/130. RCA 74.

The 4047 is a great darker mic I use it for bass cab, gtr cab and vocals alot. You could also try a beyer M88.
Also i second the m160, great on guitar amps and as overheads.
Im thinking of getting a ribbon mike to get a darker sound on my classical guitar im not good enuf to rate it but might spring for a m160 anywy since ive heard a couple recordings using it that i like. good thread

Im pretty sure guys ive read about 1000 times that the v69 is considered a "dark" mic....i dont wanna question your expertise, but i know what ive read....i know the v77 is considered the neutral mic from mxl...but whatever...just wanted to ummm say im pretty sure i was right going by what ive read people say...like i said i have no experience with the mic personally and again dark is probably a matter of peoples opinion. :)
beyer m160
mxl v69
rca bk5 (find it where? these are old right)
what about tube mics (yes i know a can of worms)
reviews on the ntv
wasn't there a newer ribbon mic in the 3-500 range green or blue in color ith similar mounting at the aea r92