mic cables


New member
Ok, so how critical are mic cables? For someone like me recording onto a VS840 am I going to hear a real difference going with something other than the standard gig cable? Is it worth for me to invest $100.00 into a Monster cable? Thanks, BK
Yo Billy De Kid:

Don't ever record with your back to the door!!!!!

You can find volumes of epistles regarding cables for keyboards to amp and, of course, the mic cable.

I have a mid-priced Monster cable for my keyboard; it is nice.

I have a mid-priced Monster cable for my vocal mic; it is nice.

Both are better than just regular mic cables. You can spend some big $$$ for esoteric cables; I guess oxygen free cables are very good; I think Monster cables are in the oxygen free zone.

But, if your wallet can afford it, you should have a good cable for your mic and synthesizer, if you use one.

Same goes for the RCA patch cables; I found a place on the net that specialized in RCA cables, so I bought a pair; they are, indeed, good.

Don't stay up all night reading the stuff on cables; get out there and listen to some and then decide.

Green Hornet
Personally, I have never ever heard any difference between different cables, anywhere, anytime, except for cables that are broken in some way or another. Then again, I don't have pro equipment, I have a home studio... :)

There DEFINITELY is a huge difference in durability though!

Now, others will tell you differently, and probably, the only thing you can do, is to go out and buy one. Make two recordings, where you record vocals and guitars twice, once with each mic-cable. Then you as a friend to switch between the recordings while you are with your back towards the mixer. See if you can pick out which one was the expensive cable in both recordings. If you can't, then sell the cable to one of the people here who claim they can. :)

[Edited by regebro on 09-29-2000 at 14:52]
and yet another ?

First off, I thought that was Wyatt Earp??? Anyway, yes, I was thinking about the mid range Monsters, but I have another question. I'm going through a little Tube MP pre amp which has both XRL and 1/4 in's and out's. Now, the VS840 only has 1/4" in's. Would it work ok to have the XRL mic cable going into the pre and a good 1/4" going out to the VS? I don't see any Monster Cables with XRL at one end and 1/4" at the other. and it would only make sense if I'm investing in a good cable from the mic to the pre that I should have an equally good one going from the pre to the VS. Does this make any sense? I don't lose anything going with a 1/4" from the Pre to the VS if I've got an XLR going into the pre???? Phew!!!! thanks, BK
I Don't Know How I Know This...

Neither of you guys is right. Wyatt Earp died of natural causes at a very old age. Billy was killed by a sheriff, but you guys are thinking of Jesse James who was shot by a friend in the back while fixing a picture on a wall. I have nothing to add to the cable discussion though except...I once saw some Monster cable.

Alpha Dog
Billy, I think RE's last mysterious comment was meant to let you know that when it comes to cable, making your own is a major consideration. It's way cheaper to make your own if you can solder bits on the ends of cable.

My experience (limited and limited) leads me to believe that cable's important, although the mic you use is more important, and so is the preamp, probably. These are the three things that get your mic signal into your recorder.

I've heard significant differences with different kinds of cable. Others don't. I don't get it.