Mic and preamp...how did I do?


New member
Hello all,

Here is what I'm thinking of buying. Am I improving things or making a mistake?

Before: mic preamp in the Mackie 1202 (not VLZ), microphones are CAD 22 and Zeron (anyone even heard of it?).

After: Shure SM-57 and JoeMeek VC3.

I mostly record vocals, though I do have a Wurlitzer 200 electric piano that most people recommend mic'ing rather than trying to use its outputs so I might use it for that too.

DAVID VESEL -- synthpop recording artist
The new single, 'The Caves'
The new album, Calliope
Now available on Situation Records
The '57 is a classic mike.
As you may know, there are 2 other Joe Meek units that were the
successor to the VC3, they are;

Joe Meek VC3Q (has an EQ section rather than the VC3's exciter)
Joe Meek MQ3 (latest version of VC3Q)

Those units are a lot of fun, the compression section, and the
EQ section (the last two above) are very cool.
All three have a pretty nice mic pre.
Keep in mind that they're all good for live performance/recording
due to their small size-especially if you need phantom power.
