Mic an AC Guitar


New member
This weekend i'll be micing and accoustic/electric guitar. I have had some success in getting a good sound by using 1 Samson R11 over the guitarists shoulder (pan HL), 1 pointing down the fretboard toward the neck joint (pan HR) and using the C1 as a room mic ~4 ft. from the guitarist (pan center). This has given me a fairly full sound with mild stereo seperation. I am mainly looking for ideas of other things to try to see if i can get a bit more seperation between R and L.

I will be able to have:

Studio Projects C1
(3) Samson R11 (Dynamic- Similar to SM58's)
XLR output from the accoustic
I was recording my acoustic/electric(Takamine) last night, with a Marshall 2001 and 603(just got them a couple days ago). I was playing around, and just out of experimentation, put both mics about 8 inches from the soundhole, with the 603 pointed more towards the fretboard. I panned the 2001(large diaphragm) HL and the 603(small diaphragm) HR....didn't think it'd sound good, but when I tried it, it was awesome, sounded very crisp and open. So, close mic with both, and pan 100% on each side...see how that does. Good Luck!
