Metronome with PreSonus Firebox?


New member
Hey everyone,

I recently set up Cubase LE 4 that came with my PreSonus Firebox. I set up the inputs and outputs as they describe in the video, and can record / monitor with the Firebox no problem. However, in one of the demo videos he says to enable the metronome and just starts playing.

I've only been able to get my metronome to play through my computer speakers using the Microsoft Midisynth, but I'd like to have it come through my headphones on the Firebox instead. I don't have any MIDI tone generators, and the Audio metronome doesn't seem to work either.

I've looked through the manuals that came with it, but I'm sure I'm just missing something simple. Does anyone have any idea how to solve this?

Thanks in advance.
The metronome generally goes to the Audition channel. You should be able to route that channel to your headphone output. I think so anyway....I'm not sure what version of Cubase you're using.

Failing that, you can create one using midi, and route whatever VST instrument you use to do it to the headphone output.
I hope it is this easy one...

Under "devices", "vst connections", "connections" tab... For the line item "Firebox AISO driver" make sure "click" is enabled under the "click" column.

I don't have access to my gear at the moment, but I'll have a look when I get home and post up my results afterward. Thanks.
Well I haven't had a chance to try this, having run into some other problems with my Cubase installation. I've got those sorted out (which I will detail in another thread shortly). However, tonight I do plan to check this out!