Metric Halo 2882 with MOTU 896HD


New member
I'm not sure where to post this or if anyone is familiar with this stuff...

I'm about to go on the road...want a mobile interface.

I have a MOTU 896HD for the crib and want to make sure that whatever I get for mobility can be used in conjunction with the 896HD at the crib for more simultaneous inputs.

I know that the MOTU Traveler (based off of the Metric Halo 2882) can be used with the 896, but I think the Metric Halo 2882 is probably the better product.

Will the Metric Halo be compatable with the 896 for adding channels? Will it be a very complicated process to make that happen? I of course will go to support/customer service at MOTU but wonder if anyone here has some experience or other recommendations...

Thanks in advance,