Well chris, if that's your real name,

That hillbilly growl-voice around 0:47 or so.... hmmm... did you start smoking? Tuning down the elec. banjos to B-flat?? :confused:

Strange, this isn't like your other mixes... the "suck" knob must've been turned waaay down this time. Nice job.
hehe. I'm gonna listen to this in the morning. It's late. Until then, mysterious musician from far away...
Alright Sam, I'm listening to one song before I hit the road for the weekend, and you're it.

Yeah! Awesome. When the heavy guitars kicked in I was instantly transported back to Pantera's "Hollow" when that kicks in. "He is hollow as I alone..."

The regular vocals sound awesome on this one Sam. They seem better defined than your usual. Maybe it's the bed, but it sounds real good.

The "death metal" vocal is sick. Can't make out a word of it, but I applaud your anti-clinic-acceptance-level approach. :)

No mix complaints. It's all sitting nicely to me. Well, maybe the growl stuff could come down a hair, but not because it's growl stuff. It just seemed to give a sudden unnatural boost in the overall dynamics. The guitars sound great, and mixed nicely.

Very good to have you singing again. Seems to give you more focus on your arrangement too.

Maybe I should get an alias too. Sometimes I think I've worn out my welcome here. :rolleyes:

Sorry I couldn't listen last night. Got home late pretty late.

Great stuff Sam.

-Not SLuiCe. Somebody else in fact. Someone you don't know and have never seen before. Someone altogether fresh and different.
Mixwise this seems much better than other songs. I don't know why. The guitars are phat!

I love the death metal voice, but less effects would perhaps make it sound more brutal. Less sick, perhaps...but definitely more in your face!

Nice ending LOL.......nice fade and then cut it off right before the fade ends. Lovely :D

Great music, Cygnus B-1/Sabbath X.
What do you eat for breakfast?

How can you crank out so much first-rate stuff in so little time? Hell I just spent a week practicing one damned riff!

Wholesome synth sounds - totally unwholesome growl - very cool contrasting - that's damned intelligent planning there combined with some killer talent.

Can I see the lyrics? I can't make some of them out from that demonic voice. And let me state for the record that I don't find that annoying at all - I'm listening to the total sound.

Cool harmonies (AGAIN).
OK - enough gushing - can't find a blem in the mix - just a very cool tune all the way around.
thanks for the listen guys!

I used this voice all the time when I joined my first band as a singer.. I was a skinhead at the time, but it was not what people think of today as skinheads.. it unfortunately means something negative now.. (we were all nice guys) nothing racist or anything even close to that.. just a group of fed up idiots that didn't like what was going on with music at the time.. we went to CBGB's every Sunday afternoon for the hardcore matinees... This was before things went totally nuts.

I did these vocals and lyrics yesterday in 2 hours.. I didn't double any of the heavy voices but I did want to in a few parts..


here's the lyrics.. don't look for a meaning from me.. :D

follow the bouncing sledge..


we lost another one today,
but this time I've only myself to blame..

see the light, fall of the violent..

sick by the smell that we don't need,
are you unconscious?

come crashing through my window,
anytime you want to say f**k it,

it's hitting you in the back,
hitting like a Mack truck,

don't look at me like you know something, (what have you heard?)

it's just a test, the funerals are starting, (here we go again)

a surprise when the words do finally hit you, (surprise)

please don't despair because we finally get to cut loose..

we lost another one today,
this time I have myself to blame,

American boys and girls,
why are you so murdered,

come crashing through the window,
anytime you want to say f**k it,

fueling the fire,
just to get a little higher,

America can beat up you,
no matter what you do..

don't look at me like you know something, (don't look at me)

it's not a test, the funerals are starting, (they're starting again)

a surprise when the word has finally reached you, (surprise)

but don't despair because we finally get to cut it loose..

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Sounds like something I'd hear on the radio, not exactly up my alley. Intro reminds me of Linkin Park (I hate them). Then the growls come in, reminds me of Slipknot (hate them too). The guitars sound good on the muting parts at around 57 seconds. Very crunchy.
Your alter ego? The heavy gtr sounds good and balsy. I never really got into the growlin stuff but it didnt take away from the song. Never been a skinhead but us long hairs always got along with them in LA. At 41 My hair is about down to my ass again-lol...
My daddy is so proud :D Great gtr sounds all the way around and perfect key fills....Sorry not too much to complain about. I wish I could get your drum tones. Im still bummin on mine.

The mix sounds good on my Monitors. Maybe lacking a tad in the high's but so are my ears after years of damage.
Good stuff. Great Lyrics......
this mix seems to have less in the high end, except for the crunch gtrs.

Maybe make the vocals 10% understandable as a compromise?

(I wish Slucie would go trout fishing...or something....:rolleyes: )
Damn nice!

One helluva vocal combination and a catchy riff. Those synths are damn nice too!

Gotta agree, less effects on the growl.

Has a feel somewhere between Pantera, M Manson's Mechanical Animals, Pain of Salvation, and NIN's Perfect Drug.

I like :D
This one is up there with your best. I can leave or take the growling, it's OK but the guitar tone that goes with it is good. As are the backingvox. Plus the drums are right on it driving it just like a drummer. The atmospheric keys are fantasic, and then that crunching guitar comes in. I love that. Cool cool stuff
Nice tremolo FX...

Gr8 harm. vox...

"The funerals are starting"

Lovely angervoice.... aggression... awesome progression... and rhythm/riff.

LOVE the drumming.. if not the samples... the DRUMMING itself rules.

Not a lot of complication in this piece... but excellent comp.... it goes and comes back to the same theme really well.

The vocs (sung) around 1:22... and after... mixed a bit low.

140mph freeway adrenaline f.u. soundtrack... good driving music.

thanks a lot for the comments!

I tried a few different things with this one that's why it sounds different.. I E.Q.'d the guitars and synth bass heavily afterwards this time, as opposed to doing the usual nothing.. I think that made the guitars brighter than the drums, and that could have helped give it a duller sound?.. I shoudl e.q. the drums too I guess.. normally I tweak everything at the source while I'm recording and don't mess with anything but levels after..

yeah I agree about the over use of effects again.. I started off with a dry sound but I hated it.. I have to force myself to dry it out because it bothers me on other peoples tunes..

I'm confused about the drums.. the high hat seems loud enough but yet it doesn't sound crisp enough??

those keyboards in the chorus seem too loud and are helping hide the vocals.. purposely at first, but now I hear they may be too low..

It's great to be able to get opinions on experiments!

this song isn't as heavy as it gets by any means.. I just started being able to sing again and I may re-record the heavier stuff from the past..

as well as the gay sounding shit too.. :D

thanks a lot for bothering..
Haha, i had no idea at first that this was you. I though who is this strange "Cygnus".

I think those vox at :25 should come up, sounds like a really strong part but i had to struggle to hear them. I like the chosen melodic lines.

Those heavy guits introduced at :41 are as good as anyone I've heard do them, they're maryslittlesecret good. That a nice heavy hitting section. I've never really gotten into the screamed death vocal but the way you've used it hear has been tasteful because it doesn't feel like it's been overused and you've already shown melodic development in the vox. Lyrics again very good.

I agree about maybe a shade of brightness on the top end but that could be because my ears are fried today but the rhythm section has to be one of my fave's from you.