Metal song, needs some mixing advice!

This is a real drummer. These drums are not programmed whatsoever. Plus, drumagog when set up correctly, will change the dynamics of your samples. The steven Slate drumagog files include several different velocity layers and map soft hits to soft hits from my drummer etc. The only reason I decided to go sample replacement route was because I didn't have enough mics to accurately capture my drummer's whole kit. He has 6 toms, 2 bass drums, a snare, and 80 billion cymbals, and I had 8 inputs to do it all with. I already had to record more than one tom on the same track and will need to put in the painstaking hours to splice them into seperate tracks.

As far as the amps go, I don't really have a choice. My guitarist wants "his sound" to be on the record. I already had to play all of his rhythm tracks for him since he showed up to the studio too high and drunk to even lay anything down. I will see what I can do though. I agree the guitars are a little quiet, but maybe they will sound better once I turn them up an EQ them a little bit.

As for the bass, yeah it's way down there, it needs some volume for sure.

To everyone who has given me mixing advice: Thanks a ton for listening, I won't be able to actually do anything with it until Thursday...I am busy with finals until then pretty much.
I thought the guitars sounded great. The performances all around were great too.

I thought there were times where the mix leaned quite heavily to the left. The guitar on that side is louder than the guitar on the right during some sections.

I thought the vox could come up a nudge. Probably the bass too. probably some of the background vox too.

The two guitar parts didn't gel together in the verses. They were both "doing lots of stuff." I was distracted away from the singer by them.

Lead break is very well played, but it goes on a bit too long for me.
I use steven slate samples on some of my metal projects too but god I can't stand hearing fake drums....I am a drummer and recording my own bands metal album and I was going to program my own kit with steven slate and hearing this made me think twice...

Maybe it's just me but I need to hear a real snare drum at least. 9 times out of 10 it won't *sound* nearly as good but atleast it sounds real. I'm not sure if non-drummers can tell or care about this...I'd like to know.

Here's a little clip of a project I recently did, the kick and toms are steven slate and the snare is real. The snare is really mushy (I forgot compression :( ). This mix is a bit bass-light.

I would say heres some things I hear in your mix..

1. Guitar needs to be louder. Guitar *tone* is subjective but it does sound on the amateur side. :) I would recommend blending two mics together on different speakers of the cab for each track. I would also recommend keeping it more consistant for both sides and use the same amp for both tracks, thats just me.

2. Wheres da bass? (I am listening at home on little computer speakers by the way but I should still hear the bass guitar) bass guitar cuts good around 1k and some of that nice slappy presence sound around 8k and the meat and bones around 100hz.

4. Whole mix could be louder either with soft clipping or limiting.

LOL!!!! No offense man but I thought the initial poster's song was better in every aspect. I struggled listening to your stuff...
Hey guys! So I know it's been a while for this post. I'm finally giving you guys the updated version of this song for your critique. Pretty much everyone's feedback (that was good feedback at least) was taken into consideration with this mix. So thanks for listening and I hope this one sounds better.

For reference, here is the older version:

Hey guys! So I know it's been a while for this post. I'm finally giving you guys the updated version of this song for your critique. Pretty much everyone's feedback (that was good feedback at least) was taken into consideration with this mix. So thanks for listening and I hope this one sounds better.

For reference, here is the older version:

I'm at work right now but I can't wait to listen to it when I get home. I for the record I was very impressed with the first song you uploaded. I agree with most of the criticisim except for the vocals. Vocals sound badass dude! Keep up the good work man!

PS: I'll post my thoughts after I listen to the updated mix tonight.
Hellz ya man! This is badass! The guitar work is awesome and I really like the song structure. I would pull your vocals up a little bit though. They're a little too far in the backround. Overall the mix/song/musicianship is very impressive though. I'd buy this record!
When I clicked on this, I thought I was listening to an A7X demo.

The verses have too much guitar going on. Sounds not tight and muddy.

The playing is rad though.

Your second mix is miles ahead of the first. Sounds so much better.
New mix is better. The vocals and backing vox can be louder. They're kind of buried. Drums sit pretty good. Bass seems a little too EQ scooped, but it's there. A little more midrange in the bass would be good I think. Overall, not bad. better than before.
Yup.. Good stuff, man. I listened to both mixes, and the 2nd one is much better... I think it could be improved by bringing up the vocals more (both lead and backing).. The vocals have a lot of energy in them, so bringing them up a bit more to the front would add even more energy.

Great work!