Metal Song - Kick Drum Questions


New member
So, I've got this metal song that I've been working on a for a while, and it still has much work to do, I know.

But I want to know how to make the kick drum more punchy, and more pronounced. It sits very far back in the mix, even though it's actually turned up pretty high.

I think I've done all I can with a multiband compressor. Should I just start EQ'ing it and see where I end up?


Nice vocals and riffing.

The drums are bad allaround. I'd retrack, but I think EQ is yout best bet on those drumsounds.

Good song you got there!!
Cool stuff but your right. Are you compressing the kick track it's seld or are you talking about the whole mix.

To me it sounds like the kick and other drums have very little attack.\

On the kick I would boost around 4k. Put a hi pass at around 50 to 60 and do a boost around 80 to 90. not as much of a boost down at 80 as at 4k. But like Jouni said you may have to retrack. Can't boost what isn't there.
Its hard to tell from listening to this mix. If you posted the kick by its self it would help.

good Luck.
