Metal/Rock song second attempt

The guitars sounds messy, the sound isn't clear, maybe you could turn down the distortion in the recording process. If you can't try cutting around 1.000 - 2.000 hz, and cut all the frequencies over the 12.000 or 14.000 hz to tight the sound (play there to get what you want).

The synth sound si ok.

I can't hear the kick properly, neither the bass, but i can feel it so it has to be there. I would bring the kick up with some eq to feel that plastic sound (800 - 950 hz) (very used in metal mixes) and also a mayor eq on the bass to bring it up (boost around 600 hz).

The overall mix feel too bright. That was my fist impression.

My suggestion would be take a sound you want to achieve (your favorite song), play it when you are mixing, get close to that sound and then make a master, then again, play the song, check your master, play with the master Eq, the multiband compressor, etc.

The drums are mixed way back, and they sound like they've had the guts eqed out of them. They just have no body. The bass also seems lacking, but maybe a level boost would solve that.

There's some sort of reverb on the guitars that makes them sound like they're inside a big metal can. Is that an effect you're using or are they recorded that way?

I agree with zero00, listen to a recording that has a sound close to what you want and notice how it's constructed. Go back to it occasionally during your mixing process to keep the target fresh in your memory.
thanks for the feedback. I will post the unmastered mix of the song. I went to crazy on the mastering. I used harbal to eq, then used wavelabs to master it (linmb, psp vintage warmer, reverb, and l2). My guess is that I went way overboard with the plug ins.

I listend to this for 8 seconds then shut it off.

It sounds worse then mine.

too much shitty guitar. no bass. all guitars and hi-hats the odd snare is all i heard...

I'd say stay away from it for a few days then go back and have another go at it later with fresh ears.