Metal pop filters


New member
Hello there people of HR, I have recently made a thread about the difference between metal pop filters and mesh pop filters. Now, my question is: What brands do you guys recommend for the metal one? I've tried getting the Stedman one on amazon but apparently it doesn't ship to Singapore and the local stores sell it for about $80, whereas I can get it online for about $50-60.

Any help will be appreciated.
That's weird.
Everything in the world ships out of Singapore and you can't get a low cost metal pop filter into the country.

What's this world coming to?
I'm not sure that a sample can demonstrate how a pop-filter sounds... I mean how would you test it? Now I belive that nylon and metal popfilters act a bit different (as the mesh sizes are different), but this is a bit ridiculous. :P No offence Darren.

I have both types of popfilters - the metal ones are by SE Electronics and I really don't think they are worth the price (47€/piece) as the gooseneck is sometimes too weak to hold the mesh properly in place.
I do at least 90% of the cooking in this house...and I have practically no hair. (What hair I do have would never be described as pretty.)

Oh, and I don't do pre-processed foods