Metal Pop Filters - Thoughts on Purchase


I'm looking at getting a new pop filter. I think I'll be going the metal route, as most people I've talked to seem to prefer them over the cloth or similar material. Currently the following are on my list:

Stedman Proscreen XL:

Royer PS101:

Both of these appear to be high quality. Any thought on comparisons between them, or perhaps others I should give a look? Thanks.
aaroncomp said:
I'm looking at getting a new pop filter. I think I'll be going the metal route, as most people I've talked to seem to prefer them over the cloth or similar material.

Any thought on comparisons between them, or perhaps others I should give a look? Thanks.

I have a Stedman and I have a Peluso...they both work very well...but the Peluso is half the's just a bit smaller in diameter, but large enough to do a great job...and very lightweight...I'd recommend the Peluso, unless you got bucks to burn...
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The Royer popfilter in your link is the same as the first Stedman product (just rebadged). Stedman subsequently has updated its first version with the XL (which is your other link). Both should work the same sound wise. The new version Stedman has the outer edge and also should have a better neck. Either way - they will both work fine.
I haven't been greatly impressed with my Stedman. The sound is good, but I find that I have to stand pretty far back from the filter or the mic actually picks up the sound of the air moving through the mesh (kind of a whooshing sound on plosives). I use my $10 nylon screens much more.
The Stedman is the original and the best, and it's still priced in line with those other filters.
