Metal: Help deciding on mix


New member
I need help deciding on the superior mix for this track. This will be the opening song for an EP my band, Forget Forever, has been working on for about a year now. It's all self recorded and mixed.

I've been lurking for a long time on these forums, and I know this is the place I want to go for well-honed ears and honest opinions. I do ask that you be easy on me please, I'm discouraged enough working on this project that I almost deleted everything two days ago.

Thanks a ton guys.

Mix 1

Mix 2

I vote for mix #2. It is darker....more "threatening". I understand what you are going for....sounds good.....I also agree that you should bring up the drums...just the kick actually....and the bass. Just my opinin. For bass, bring it just to where it is obvious, then take it down a notch. You don't want it to dominate, but it should be heard a bit more than it is. But watch that you don't bring up too much low end and make it muddy...... :D

Another friendly suggestion....because it would be cool to get the same in return when I post my to bring down the vocals a little. Make the singer sound like he's screaming his ass off a little farther away from your face than he is right now. It will add depth, but not take away any ferocity.

I like it a lot. Good work. :cool:
Mix one...Seems to be VERY loud. Some stuff seems to be clipping a bit. At least there is a buzz on my speakers. I like the tune alot. Very cool. Just seems to be some mixing problems, at least on my end.

Now mix two....I like it better. I agree with it being a darker mix. This seems to fit the tune better. Still seems a bit loud though. Just my opinion. I like the guitar tone. The percussiveness of it is cool.
Thanks for the advice. I'll try bringing the kick and bass up a bit. I have to watch the bass though, it really wants to take hold of a sub and overwhelm the mix in this song. Was anyone listening on a system with a sub?

The vocals are pretty high, but they don't seem to fit as well when I take them down a db or two.

I'm going to relisten now, with all this stuff in mind.
this is a cool tune. i'm liking mix 2 so far. i can see what the other people are saying about adding some more volume to the kick. as far as the vocals, early in the song they do sound a bit loud, but when the 2nd rhythm guitar kicks in, it seems to all fit together better. the guitars sound great though. good work!
Mix 2

I'd go with mix 2 also... I like that muddier/heavier tone of guitar.
Good voice also.

Sound a lot like swedish melodic death metal, are your from Sweden?
Reminds me of Dark Tranquillity a lot.

I know what you mean when you say you almost deleted everything because of discouragement. I'm currently composing and sometimes I get this chilling feeling as well... Here's my advice, when you feel like that, take a couple of days off this project when you'll be back on it, it will sounds better.

I'll follow what you're doing, I'm into extreme music too.
Ok, I tweaked a few things, but I'm not sure about it yet. Do you think this is better or worse than mix 2?

CarcPazu: No we're not from Sweden, we're from Canada. Thanks for the compliment though!

Thanks to everyone for the encouragement and advice.
I'm listening through a cheap pair of Koss headphones (don't want to wake up the whole house), but I think it sounds great. (can't tell difference from #2, but again I'm using cheapo headphones).

Nice song composition and guitar work too!
Linchpin said:
Ok, I tweaked a few things, but I'm not sure about it yet. Do you think this is better or worse than mix 2?

CarcPazu: No we're not from Sweden, we're from Canada. Thanks for the compliment though!

Thanks to everyone for the encouragement and advice.

I don't hear the difference between 2 and 3 also...

Sorry, I feel dumb... I asked you if you were from Sweden.. I didn't checked on your message where you were from.
Where are you in Canada? I'm from Montréal.

Your song is very professional, my favorite style isn't Swedish Melodic Death Metal tho. I'm more into brutal death metal, Dying Fetus style.

But for my own stuff I'm composing some kind of experimental death metal.
But I'm far away from your recording skills. I'm a newbie.

Anyway, now I'm just using the computer to compose, trying to make the best I can out of the recording, but I still lack a lot of knowledge. I'm learning a lot here so far.

I don't feel very confortable posting my stuff here for now, it's too early.
Thanks for the compliments David.

The only real difference is mix 3 has the kick boosted up 1db and bass boosted 1db from 160hz back.
Can anyone tell me how these mixs perform for them at higher levels?

CarcPazu: We're from Alberta. This band is actually a side project from our grind/death/hardcore band Fallen Victim
Anyways, you're defintely in the right place to get into the scene. Montreal is the metal capital of Canada. If I could give you any advice it would be to work your ass off and learn as much as you can.
Linchpin said:
CarcPazu: We're from Alberta. This band is actually a side project from our grind/death/hardcore band Fallen Victim
Anyways, you're defintely in the right place to get into the scene. Montreal is the metal capital of Canada. If I could give you any advice it would be to work your ass off and learn as much as you can.

Yes, Montréal is the metal capital. All bands love to play over here, it's always full. The metal community is huge. A lot of people you will never think likes metal.

I already have my foot into the metal industry over here because I've been running a metal webzine for years so I made some contact. So I already got a distributor for my stuff. But my multimedia company is producing it (meaning throwing the budget at it). But I really do this only as a hobby. I don't want to do any concerts or tour. It's only a studio project. Anyway it's way too experimental and couldn't be reproduced live. Too much overdubbing and special effect in 5.1.

How the scene in Alberta?
The scene in Alberta is ok I guess. It's better in Calgary and Edmonton. We're in a smaller, more punky/emo city, so it's hard to draw interest. What webzine do you run? We'd love some positive publicity when we release our ep! :)

Linchpin said:
The scene in Alberta is ok I guess. It's better in Calgary and Edmonton. We're in a smaller, more punky/emo city, so it's hard to draw interest. What webzine do you run? We'd love some positive publicity when we release our ep! :)

I don't run the webzine anymore, I closed it last winter. I didn't had time to run it anymore, I was divided between work and personnal project and the little left over for the gf! ;-)

But I could tell you where to send you EP when it's done.