Metal guitar sound


New member
Hey guys,

I my last recording session, the band ask me to get the heaviest metal guitar sound I ever made :)

The guitarist a the standard Marshall amp/cab (wich I dont like)

I tried a few mics on it (C1, SM57, AM62, e602, MXL1006, CAD E200...) and I end up with a e602/SM57 combination that really rocks! The guitar player was really satisfied :)

thats all...just sharing it :p

see ya!

As I know and experienced, this is true if a tube amp is involved. If the amp is solidstate, as long as it loud enough to make the speakers a good work, the sound will be about the same as if its at "11"

For example, my personal guitar stack have a tube preamp, and a solidstate amp. So, I usually thurn the input and the output preamp to max, so all the tube thing is drive as far as it can, and then, I can turn the power amp at 2 or 3, just enough to be shure the speakers will do their job, and I have a big rich sound, and it'S not very loud.
rent spinal tap, then you'll know why turning the guitar to '11' is important, and you'll know how to get a guitar sound that will kill people.
Orange Julius, I havent drink their bevrage fot a while! I think I'll get some in a few days :)

Well thax for the link, there is certainly a lot of interesting info on this thread. And it's funny to read so... makes it easier hehe.
X-Rok said:
Your not going to get that killer sound if your amps can't goto 11.

When I was in college I bought this little practice amp so I could take guitar lessons. I can't remember the brand but it actually did have the volume go to "11". The enigineers must've been watching Spinal Tap while designing the thing. It was a total POS, btw. :D
X-Rok said:
"Why not just make 10 louder"

... but my amp goes to 11 ...

I am glad someone got the reference.

You are not alone:D it's a classic! The more you watch it the better it gets!

Those guys looked like they had armadillo's in thier pants!!!!

Thing about it is if you've never played in a band, you just won't get it. It's all funny 'cuz it's true...