Metal Drum Sounds

evans hydraulic heads. use rings. use moongels. learn how to tune.

put junk in the bass drum..

c'mon man, this is basic stuff, you could have searched..
Learn how to tune the drums.

I use no muffling on the drums.

If you get evans emad kick heads, you can take all the crap out of your kick drum. That will make it sound bigger.

You want the drums to ring a little bit, but in a controlled way. It all comes down to tuning.
I'll reinforce the tuning thing. If you tune a decent drum really well and use appropriate heads (pinstripes are an easy way to get a deep thuddy sound for toms, whereas single ply clear heads may ring too much for most metal applications), you wont need much muffling, if any. The kick is a different story of course. You may want to kill a bit of sustain on some of the toms or snare, but dont go overboard, because if the drums sound dead, they'll get buried by guitars, so a bit of ring is favorable, as long as its controlled. Use overheads as you would any other style of music, but try to close mic all the drums if you can. Part of the Metal drum sound is having everything right in your face.

For a real metal kick sound, use triggers if possible. I'm probably going to get a lot of shit for saying that, but its the truth. There are ways to get a good kick sound from your drum, but you're basically going to be trying to make it sound like a trigger anyway (very little dynamics, every hit as punchy as possible), so why beat around the bush. Granted, if you want a more natural sound, take the time to mic the kick, I'm just saying if you're wanting anything resembling say, Nile, Fear Factory, Killswitch Engage, etc, triggers are the way to go. If you have a DAW you can mic the kick with a radioshack mic and trigger it in your software if you want. Whatever. I dunno. Man I'm probably going to get a lot of shit for the trigger thing.
nah i wont give you shit for mentioning triggers.

i either use a TD-3 or my acoustic kit, depending on the drummer (really, on his skills...)

i second the emad head. i haev the batter and reso heads and they really pack a punch, yes, with nothing inside the drum..

on toms, i use evans hydraulic batter, and genera(?) g2 reso, (i think).

alot of people don't like hydraulics. they sound good on my kit, but not on any other kit that i've heard. for acrylic drums, they are nice. i don't recommend them for anything else though.