metal drum sound

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New member
I'm kinda new at recording, and I was wondering if anybody here could help me on getting a good metal drum sound, especially that trebley, click sounding bass drum, like heard on Metallica and Pantera albums. My recording machine is a Roland VS-1680, and I currently have 3 shure sm-57's. Please tell me what kind of mics i need, processors, pre-amps, eq's, noise gates, etcs. Thanks.
Your'e looking for a dry kick sound... ala Korn... run the kick drum through whatever EQ you have... boost the highs and cut the mids.
Hail S8-N!!!
Place the microphone (AKG D112, Audio-Technica ATM-25, or whatever else you prefer) inside the bass drum about 1" away from the head & 2" off center. If it still doesn't sound right, try adding a mic outside of the drum on the beater side ,fairly close, and on-axis with about a 45* angle. The point is to get deep punch and a lot of "thwack" from the beater hitting the head. Also, for this application, usually avoid soft felt beaters. Although it does produce deeper tones, it lacks the punch and softens the "thwack".
Try hangind a single mic in various places around the room. Sounds uncoventional? Just give it a shot - I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
This may sound crazy, but tape a quarter or fifty-cent piece to the kick head, where the batter hits it.

Conrad Josepi
And don't forget to tape a wallet to the snare (serious! Do a search, someone talked about this a few months ago).

See, it takes money to record drums! :)