Metal... and Drums...


New member
I'm sort of a newbie to this home recording thing. Had the urge about 2 months ago and picked up some gear on ebay. Basically just to help write with, but sounds like I might be able to get a decent enough sound to burn to cd with. Sure is a hell of a lot better then the tascam 4 track days.


CarvinStudioMate Mixer
Audix Forum Mics (Good old Sm57 on Guitar)

The guitars could probably be a little quieter, but it seems like the levels are pretty good in the biggining of the mix, but the drums get quieter as they go along. Maybe some compression on the bassd and snared? Sounds like I might have mixed it down a little bit hot too.

Anyways Enjoy metalheads... Comments and Suggestions Appreciated!!

Justin Baldini

Wow that sounds much worse then I thought now that I ran around and played it everywhere. Holy bass drum.

Back to the drawing board, and hopefully my monitors will come in soon, hahah.
No band, No website. That was just me playing everything trying to get a decent "sound" worked out.

I changed the link this morning at about 8am to a copy that i quickly re-eqed, you probably got the newer one.

Anyone? Bueller?

I had a set of Alesis MK2 Powered Monitors on (back) order, but after reading some of the things on this site, maybe its a good idea to coin out now for something a bit better rather then doing it twice.
sounds good

Sounds good man, glad to hear someone posting metal on the board. Your drums as a whole could go up in the mix or either bring the guitars down a tad. I was totally expecting to hear some krap that sounded like Korn or Drowning pool when i clicked your link. Relieved that it didn't sound like that lol. So many people use the term Metal so loosely these days.
listened again

I listened again, the snare and toms seem to be the only low parts. Kick sounds alright in relation too the guitar, as well as the overheads. Im listening on my computer speakers though. So don't hold that to me.
Re: sounds good

Wireneck said:
Sounds good man, glad to hear someone posting metal on the board. Your drums as a whole could go up in the mix or either bring the guitars down a tad. I was totally expecting to hear some krap that sounded like Korn or Drowning pool when i clicked your link. Relieved that it didn't sound like that lol. So many people use the term Metal so loosely these days.

I AGREE, I was ready to rip out my flamethrower. I think it was the "ownsme.mp3" that threw me.

Good stuff though, I think the sound is a bit too nasally though.
I am also a one man metal project, I actually just got a deal with a record label. If you guys are interested in a listen:

Glad to see I have some fellow metalheads in company..

checked out your stuff. Vocals had sort of a Carcass sound to them. They didn't sound bad but im just curious how you record your guitar tracks? They sounded like they were lacking in the sustain area in my opinion. Almost like they were recorded at very low volumes, or with minimal gain settings (i know more isn't always better). On the other hand everything was clear and audible in the mix.
Which label did you sign your deal with? Just curious

At the time I was recording through a Marshall Lead Series halfstack.. also that is only a demo mix and the guitar sounds fuller now, I know that is probably something I should have mentioned from the beginning. haven't updated that site in ages.

Will have some new material up soon.. very soon. I cover a lot of ground, for example with vocals, the carcass thing (although I wouldn't make that comparison myself) is not by any means the only style I do. same with the music, that is why it is called Hybrid Melodic Metal.
I liked it Mistral =). As for the carcass sounding vocals i sort've know what he means. When i listen i can just picture a necromancer straight out of a fantasy novel singing =))..

Also Realfastv6, keep up the good work man! I agree with everyone else though bring up that snare!!!
holy shit!
ownsme is awesome!!!!
i agree, the drums themselves (not the cymbals) can use to come ahead in the mix. but that guitar is killer!!

tell me if you will, how did you go about getting that guitar sound?
like what mic/head/distortion and or effect u used to get that sound?
i can;t get my guitars to sound ANYTHING like that. mine always come out with enough dirt and volume, but i can never get that full low end tone and crunch. and i've tried with the eq's and stuff, i can;t get it to provide that kind of tone and "balls", for lack of a better word.
how do u do it?
Rocktron Chameleon Preamp (Wouldn't trade this for anything)
Gibson Les Paul Special (This either)
Carvin Cab (This either)

Pretty Moderate settings on the preamp
Gain: 4.0
Va. Adjust: -3
Bass: 7.0
Mid: 6.3
Treble: 6.0
Presence: 8.0

Obviously this isn't going to mean squat on any other rig, but it'll give you an idea, I dont have the preamp on Kill... in fact far far from it.

I used an SM57 straight on, bottom left speaker, about 2" off-center of the speaker. Cab is against a wall with about 2 feet of space. Theres a couch cushion behind the mic against the wall.

A little bit of mixdown EQ, but not much. Boost the lows a little bit, and the highs a little bit (LITTLE).

Both the L and R channels were actually identically setup, which I usually dont do.

The whole mix was run through light reverb and light BBE, with a little more light EQing (I actually took out quite a bit of bass from the mix here).

I REALLY need monitors now.
dcptnsdcvd said:
i can;t get it to provide that kind of tone and "balls", for lack of a better word.

Actually... its probably really mostly the BBE Sonic Maximizer you're hearing. Thats why it sounds so thick, and yet has a lot of tone.