- Metal - 2 songs - please check it out


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I play drums in a band called Skepsis + (Skepsis Positive), we've recorded a new CD so here are a couple of songs for you to check out... I did all the mixing, mastering etc., please let me know what you think of the sound!


listening as I write (ReDRuM)...

initial impression... yeah I like it

good balance

liking the guitar tone

bridge is cool... nice use of phasing.

no issues

good job
Dude you got some serious skills....one of the best mixes i've heard in awhile. Being a fan of this type of music made it even more fun to listen. If u don't mind how'd u get this killer guitar tone??? and was it 2 takes?
Recording & mixing are good.
Bass could use a bit of definition.
As for the song, well not my cup of Twinings so I'll demure.
Great tunes, very very good mix. Bass is missing a little. Would be interesting to see how this was all mic'd especially the drums and what hardware/software you used for mixdown/mastering. Really, its good. Thanks for posting it.
hella sweet man. congrats on this mix, and your band. THEY BOTH KICK ASS. pleasr reviel your secret to the vocals. As previously stated, they kick major ass. What mic? preamp? etc...
punkorama said:
Dude you got some serious skills....one of the best mixes i've heard in awhile. Being a fan of this type of music made it even more fun to listen. If u don't mind how'd u get this killer guitar tone??? and was it 2 takes?

Thanks a lot!

The guitars are 2 left and 2 right, recorded this way: Yamaha RGX TT w/Seymore Duncans JB pickups -> Korg AX1500G processor -> Hiwatt Custom 100 Vintage -> Shure SM57 -> Mixer -> DAW. And then a lot of EQ tweaking in Cubase and T-Racks 24 for mastering

rayc said:
Bass could use a bit of definition.

Yes, maybe, but I like it this way. I wanted the mix to be... A bit sterile... :o The bass has got good sub and is good "background noise". Which is really what I wanted it to be. You'd definitely hear the difference if I removed it from the mix... Anyway, thanks for the feedback!

metal_god69 said:
pleasr reviel your secret to the vocals. As previously stated, they kick major ass. What mic? preamp? etc...

The mic was M-Audio Solaris, nothing special. + a lot of EQ-ing, fairly heavy compression. + Waves stereo doubler - this goes for the growl vocal. The clean vocals where recorded with the same mic but 2 times, one panned left 35 and the other right 35. That's roughly it. ;)

TexRoadkill said:
Finally some grindcore that doesn't sound like ass. Nice job. Great mix.

Thanks a lot, but... Grindcore? :confused: :o
rock on man, i dig your guy's stuff. If ya got a cd how much, i want one. Deadly to hear such a deadly mix in that genre. good SH*T man....
metal_god69 said:
rock on man, i dig your guy's stuff. If ya got a cd how much, i want one. Deadly to hear such a deadly mix in that genre. good SH*T man....

Thanx ppl... We have a CD, but we're from Europe and we still haven't got a publisher so I guess it would be complicated... You can check our website (www.skepsispositive.com) once in a while for news. Some sort of distribution will probably be sorted out soon... :D
Sounds real nice the mix. song is cool also. The drums are the thing that catch my attention as being quality. They dont sound like samples.
The music and production sounds very System of a Down esque.

Good stuff.