Merry Christmas Everyone...

sponge bob

New member
Being gear heads, its easy to forget what's really important in life.
So, Merry Christmas to ya'll, and God's blessings to you in the new year!

Sponge Bob
Yo Bob & Flash:]

A most happy holiday to you and EVERYONE on this site.

Thanks Dragon for making the site work so much faster.

Thanks Dinsdale for your unrelenting work to make the AW16 a clear issue for users.

Thanks Blue Bear and Sonusman, and Trebles, and Little Dog and Dobro and SO MANY OTHERS, that it would take hours to name.

May you and yours have a safe and Cool Yule and a Frantic First.

Felice Navida y prospero anno y muchas suerte en 2003.

Looking forward to a great year in 2003 and many more learning experiences.

Green Hornet :D :D :p :p :cool: :cool:
I, too, would like to take the opportunity of wishing "HAPPY HOLIDAYS" to each and every one of you. You are a bunch of very self-less & helpful individuals, and it is my sincere prayer that the Good Lord blesses each & every one of you ~ and your respective loved ones ~ with much happiness, success, and prosperity in the upcoming year.


Yes, I agree that it is - in the "calendar sense" of the term. But I am one who carries the Christmas spirit each & every day of the year. Besides - if you carefully read my previous post - you would have caught that my main reference, there, was being made within the regards of the upcoming new year. And again -

