Melodic Hardcore Mix

i like the kick! real snappy, which works for the song. if it were me i'd turn up the guitars and turn the vocals down a bit. but other than that it's pleasing to MY ears!
I'd definately add some chorus on vocals - listen to Dead Poetic for reference.

Cool song otherwise ;)
Sounds pretty good. The kick does fit very well.

I'd probably bring up most of the non-lead vocals. Especially around the 1:05 point when you've got two sets of vox going at the same time. I can barely hear the second.

Some chorus and/or reverb on the vocals would really help fill the sound out.
how'd you go about getting that kick sound?

as far as signal chain, mics, mic placement, heads, tuning, and processing goes?

sounds great
I like it. ... hardcore?... I must be out of touch with the genres these days.

I agree about the non-lead vocals - I can't hear them, but I want to. Also, you might do a RMS comparison between left and right, - to me, the left channel seems noticeably louder overall (not all the time - maybe just at the end).

Nice performance/signing, and nice song!
how'd you go about getting that kick sound?

as far as signal chain, mics, mic placement, heads, tuning, and processing goes?

sounds great

Thanks a lot! The kick is a 22x18 Pearl Masters Maple Bass Drum, the heads are Remo Pinstripe batter head. The punchiness comes through because of the click pad and the Iron Cobra Power glide, the felt from the beater was taken off so it's only plastic. As for the tuning, the batter head is pretty loose. I'm miking the bass drum with an AKG D112 inside the kick pointed at the beater. I run this all through my Presonus Firepod. The result is a really clicky bass drum, which works, but I like to give the kick some body so I use a 50/50 split of the original kick drum and a full-sounding Yamaha Kick sample on Drumagog. That way I get the click I want and the body I want as well. I compress the kick using Rcomp with an attack of 10 ms, a release of .2 sec, and a ratio of 6:1. As for EQ, Highpass filter is enabled at 47 Hz, Cut of -6.6 db at 270 Hz, and a boost of 1.5 db at 6.8 kHz. That's it!
Nice dude. I really like the sound of it. Dont suppose i could trouble you for that sample? :) the song sort of reminded me of poison the well, just a little more controlled and with only melodic vox
Nice dude. I really like the sound of it. Dont suppose i could trouble you for that sample? :) the song sort of reminded me of poison the well, just a little more controlled and with only melodic vox

I PM'd you the link to the sample.
Awesome! Thanks so much dude. Please post further mixes after you fix some of the levels as prev suggested. Really like how its soundin
I wouldn't turn up the guitars. Id just lower the voice a little. I would turn up the group voices. This should sound killer mastered. Good work.
Guitar on the left side sounds very dominant. It could do with some help from the right side guitsr. Bass drum really kicks ass and the drummer's damn good. Nice voice and good song! Any chance of some lead guitar licks here and there?

Sounds very Set Your Goals :p

Still think the overheads/cymbals (the drums sound like samples?) could come up a bit. I'm stuck listening on my laptop at the moment by the cymbals are barely audible.

Other than that, awesome stuff.
as far as being out of touch with genres i think he meant real hardcore. like hardcore punk. not this painty-waist myspace metal. LOVIN that kick. snare could come up though.
i know it's a popular sound, but that snare sounds way too compressed. sounds like banging on a plastic tub. and i hear no cymbals. i would turn the lead vox down a tiny bit, and bring up the guitars, or at least give em some more presence. they are too "smooth" sounding for me, needs a sharper edge. kick sounds pretty good, vocals sound good just a little too up-front...needs to be wrapped in the guitars better.