mellow acoustic tune

SD, dude this is a nice song. :)

Been a little busy what with Christmas and all.

Nice words and the guitar melody lines are really really nice behind the verses and chorus. The effects on the guitars are more subtle this time. :) Which is also nice.

Anyhoo, I agree that the waves are a little louder and they drown out quite a few words in the second verse. Maybe lower them more. I'd recommend raising the vox just so it's a little more upfront. Especially with an acoustic leaning piece such as this it would be better for the vox to be the focal point. :)

Nice song dude.
i'm gonna be perfectly honest with you man : everything i said in my previous post still stands except that i also feel now everything sounds a bit dry.

still a killer tune.

merry christmas everyone.
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Nice but ALL the effects are too loud.
There's a real tension between the melody & the accompaniment that has some of the urgency of '77 punk.
Nylon string guitar sounds really cool...I also like the ambiance of the waves/wind etc... I didn't hear the 1st version but vocals sound good to me listening on headphones...kinda reminds me of the Cure a lyrics!I like this Snake...a bit different from you!Good job man!!
Have a great holiday!
Sounds great to me.
I like the cardboard boxy sound of the center acoustic clashing with the nylon up the sides. Very cool.

The wave thing panning is cool but still a little loud IMO.

I like your vocal sylings, and harmonies.
Thanks for the input guys, I read your messages earlier and did a quick pre-Christmas remix for now:
-dropped all midi effects 3dB, 5dB in second verse
-dropped off some high end to reduce unwanted SFX of computer fan :rolleyes:
-dropped a lot of low end on the lead guitar as Dogman suggested, panned it over more
-added slight verb to entire mix
-raised vox tad

- thanks man! I write some songs up at the lake or other outdoor places then come back and usually add like 10 tracks them, thought it'd fit this one better to keep this one close to my original.

- Cool, I was pretty hesitant to sing that soft at first, thanks!

FaderBug - I'll keep messing with it, hopefully I'm getting somewhere ;)

Ray - are the effects still distracting now? Haha, always dig your extensive musical references :)

Bubba - Glad you like the tune, it was a relaxing and fun tune to record... I'll probably do more like this in the near future since I'm digging the nylon acoustic :)

and everyone Happy holidays!!