Meet the Psycho Onions


New member
I've got a project I've been working on with an old friend of mine for the past couple of years, and it's finaly produced some tracks worth getting some outside opinions on. They were all recorded onto a Tascam 414 mkII and then mixed to wav form through an M-Audio Delta soundcard and mixed down using Sound Forge 4.5. Any opinions or ideas on how we could do things better would be greatly appreciated.

There are songs on both the singles page and in Vol 1 in the discography. Vol 1 is the begining of what we hope to eventualy release as a debut CD.
Tickle me Elmo,
I can listen to this. It may be a little long but very fun to listen to.
You folks must have had a lot of fun doing this.

To be honest - I didn't care for it, musically or from a recording perspective.

Musically, I can't comment on - that's up to you... "one person's art is another's trash... " etc...

But from an engineering standpoint, the couple of clips I briefly checked lacked punch. As well, it sounded like a wet blanket was placed over the monitors - everything was muffled and indistinct.

I can't comment on much more than that, 'cos I didn't like the material enough to continue listening (and I don't mean that mean-spiritedly - just my own personal taste...)

Good luck...


Elmo was a blast to record. We started by laying the drum, bass and guitar tracks. Then we just conked out trying to think of ANY lyrics that made sense to this sonic mayhem. So we decided on a bit of an homage to the Pink Floyd song "Several Species". Next thing you know we've raided the toy bin for a couple of Tickle Me Elmo dolls and we're spining the knobs on my Peavey digital processor like there is no tommorow. ;)

Blue Bear,

Do you remember what songs you listened to? Seriously, I'm not offended at all by the criticisim. The only way I'm ever going to get thiese songs to sound good is to get good feedback and learn from my mistakes.

My own opinion is that I deserately need to get a compressor/limiter involved in the mixdown process in order to get that "punch" you were refering to. In fact, I'm just about ready to break down and get one this weekend.
You said:"My own opinion is that I deserately need to get a compressor/limiter involved in the mixdown process in order to get that "punch" you were refering to. In fact, I'm just about ready to break down and get one this weekend."

A compressor Limiter cant work magic.:)You need to work on getting some clean tracks.Compressor/Limiters can help a little but they cant make bad tracks sound good.In fact they make bad tracks sound worse,especially noisy hissing tracks..The sound quality of the tracks are below lo-fi standards.

A book on mixing and using EQ would help you out a lot.Try getting killer tracks at the recording stage.The "I can fix it in the mix" mentality that a lot of people have has been proven to be a bad way to go about recording.

It's obvious that you dont know a lot about EQ and frequencies.Buy some books on the subject and you'll turn things around for the better quickly.

Good Luck.
Nice to meet you... Now go away. :p They don't really seem to go anywhere. Some different Textures and stuff, but I was awaiting some sort of a song to kick in. Not sure if a whole CD would go anywhere. Maybe a couple of the tracks would work intermingled with some music. Thanks

Bri715 said:
I've got a project I've been working on with an old friend of mine for the past couple of years, and it's finaly produced some tracks worth getting some outside opinions on. They were all recorded onto a Tascam 414 mkII and then mixed to wav form through an M-Audio Delta soundcard and mixed down using Sound Forge 4.5. Any opinions or ideas on how we could do things better would be greatly appreciated.

There are songs on both the singles page and in Vol 1 in the discography. Vol 1 is the begining of what we hope to eventualy release as a debut CD.
Yeah! I agree that it must've been fun to record this tune. However, poor Elmo is havin one CRAZY trip, man. Whacha doing to that poor doll! ;)

Take care and keep playin and recording. Your Bio Page says y'all are unique and that's really ACCURATE, Bro. :D



Bethel MP3's:


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your stuff is kinda trippy feeling. ya got that going for you. I'd have to be in a mood to listen to it...with some friends to share...otherwise, I didn't get too interested in it. ...I haven't got high in 20+ years...:( The main problem with it, is that it lacks in keeping your attention, once you get the first couple of moments of it kinda stays the same..if ya know what I mean.. I didn't find the fidelity all that bad, however.

No Elmo dolls were hurt during the recoding of this song. The sounds you're hearing are what happens when you put a mic inbetween two Elmo dolls and run said mic into a Peavey Series 800 digital effects processor. :D


I agree that you certainly can't expect miracles. However, I just went out and got a dbx 266xl Compressor/Gate and have been remixing tracks all this weekend. I'm taking them track by track and syching them up using Acid 1.0. I definitely am beginning to see the difference as I take each track, clean out the tape noise and apply some proper EQ settings before recording the track into Sound Forge.


The funny thing is that I stopped getting high after I started to get into playing and recording my music. Maybe I'm just getting older, or maybe it's because trying to record and mix while zooted out of ones mind is just WAY too freakin complicated. ;)

What you said about keeping the listener's attention is something I will be keeping in mind. We've defined a certain "sound" in our heads. But getting that melodic hook to fall into place is a whole different ballgame.


You must be the welcoming committee? heheheh :D