Meet Mister Metronome...

mx_mx said:
Id love to get drum lessons but i never have the time. Night shift at work so sleep all day :) . I never said i dont know anything about drums. I know a standard rock beat is the snare on beats one and three and kick on two and four and hi hat on every beat (dont know if im describing that right).

Actually it's kick on 1 and 3 (or every beat), snare on 2 and 4, and hat on every eighth.

I know any pro will think this is lame, but i have no problems putting drums together in PC Drummer. My problem is more with a metronome. Like i said earlier, click click is way harder for me to follow than having all drums, cymbals, etc as a guide.

No that's quite common, so just practice to your PC Drummer kit. Any studio should be able to give you a snare or a hat sound for a click track instead of a simple click. Either way gets the job done.
Music is two things coming together: Pitch and Time.

erm... don't forget Feel.

I would go so far as to say that providing the drum and bass (rhythm section) are on the button it's then up to those who follow along can be a little loose if that's what the desired effect is.

Otherwise we'd spend all day quantising...