Meek Preamps


New member
Hey there,

I've got a few channels that could use preamp upgrading. I have 4 channels of DMP3, 1 channel with a Tampa, and I was thinking of the remaining 3 channels one might be a Joe Meek.

It's been suggested, or maybe I erroneously inferred it, that the newer 3Q is better then the VC3Q, but the VC3Q sounds...Meeker?

If I'm going to buy a Meek, I want a Meek sound. Does the newer 3Q sacrifice some of that?

I'm thinking for the remaining 2 channels I'll pick up a VTB-1 and a Rane, or maybe a Symetrix.

Comments or suggestions?


I've used a twinQcs, the last of the older models, extensively, and learned its strengths (a lot) and its weaknesses (a few). Well, in a week or so, I'll be able to tell you firsthand, as I anticipate having the new twinQ in hand tomorrow or Monday. Fedex is theoretically on the way. Woo Hoo. I will finally be able to compare the two boxes. Strengths of the old unit- Pleasing color, and a very musical opto-compressor. A great box on many vocals, great on drum overheads, and surpriseingly, the best acoustic guitar DI box I've ever used. Lots of gain, and plenty of headroom. Weaknesses- a tendancy to distort when pushed, a less-than-stellar EQ section. A-D conversion was a separate unit, noisy at times, with mediocre conversion quality. No doubt, the twinQ is one of the best midpriced tools I've ever bought.
The new one uses transformers, which can be inserted into the signal chain or removed by pushing a button. EQ has been upgraded to 5 bands, and the digital I/O options enhanced and hardwired. It's still green. If the thing does all the things we could dream of, it switches from Grace 202 to an Avalon AD2022 at the touch of a button, and has that cool compressor. With the Toft ATC-2 making inroads into the 2 channel channelstrip niche, the Joemeek needs to have its distinct sound to not be just another clean solid state pre with no character. I know my Avalon has character, and a lot of it comes from the transformers. It will be interesting as hell to see if the feature-laden new twinQ has personality. I hope so. Frankly, if it doesn't sound one bit better than the old one, it'll still be a pretty good preamp.
For reference, the old twinQ was basically 2 VC6Q's in one box. Any channel worth owning one of is worth owning the pair. If only for drum overheads, don't get one channel of Joemeek.-Richie

I've been thingking about adding a twinQ to my setup. It'll be interesting to find out what your impressions are!

Happy Holidays,
From what I've read the new 3Q is a clean pre (Burr-Brown) and the meekness comes in when you use the compressor.
I wasn't trying to upgrade from the DMP3..I have 2 of them and they aren't going anywhere, but I thought it would be nice to have some different sounding pre's and compressors to give a little variety.
Well, I got the new green box, and I won't say much for a few days. I did say one thing wrong though, the EQ is three band sweepable, and I can already tell you, that it is much better than the old EQ section, much better. Unfortunately, the holiday madness will prevent me from running it through its paces much for a week or so, but I'll review it as much as my technical ignorance allows me.-Richie
Richard Monroe said:
For reference, the old twinQ was basically 2 VC6Q's in one box. Any channel worth owning one of is worth owning the pair.-Richie

Richie, I thought the TwinQcs was two channels of the VC1Qcs. Maybe not, the VC1Qcs has an input transformer, I always assumed the TwinQ did as well. Anyway, I'll really be interested to hear your comparison/contrast of the new/old TwinQ units.
Well, at least on the models, neither of us is quite right. The old twinQcs did have the same VU meter as a VC1Qcs, but lacked the enhancer, de-esser, and manual make up gain. The VC6Q had no VU meter, and had pretty much the same fearures as half a twinQ. Only Alan or the Brits can tell you about electronic similarities and differences of the units. I wouldn't doubt the preamp circuitry of the twinQ was similar to the VC1Q. The presence or absense of transformers, I don't know. A review of all sources I have found on the old twinQ make no mention of transformers.-Richie
Richard Monroe said:
Well, at least on the models, neither of us is quite right. The old twinQcs did have the same VU meter as a VC1Qcs, but lacked the enhancer, de-esser, and manual make up gain. The VC6Q had no VU meter, and had pretty much the same fearures as half a twinQ. Only Alan or the Brits can tell you about electronic similarities and differences of the units. I wouldn't doubt the preamp circuitry of the twinQ was similar to the VC1Q. The presence or absense of transformers, I don't know. A review of all sources I have found on the old twinQ make no mention of transformers.-Richie

Thanks, Richie. Yeah, I forgot that the TwinQ lacked the enhancer, etc. I'm curious about the transformers and other circuitry, however.