Me Against the World Demo

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I had a similar problem with another geocities site recently, so it may just be me...good luck.
So nobody wants to critique it? I'm sure someone wants to bust our balls over the mix or something? Come on let me hear some feedback....
The soundclick link worked for me. Then I filled in a bunch of popup screens with false information like my email addy ( like that. lol

Ok, Me Against The World. I don't know what to say about it really...I mean, it's got that lofi kinda' vibe going on, but as the song wears on, it kinda' grows on me...It's like I can listen to White Stripes as long as I'm not listening to anything BUT them, but when you hear them on the radio, it almost sounds silly, lol...

So band and song = I wouldn't leave a bar you guys were playing in...but the recording sounds like it was done live in somebody's garage. That first lead riff just about peeled my eyebrows off with all the mids in it...The vocals in the verses are pretty much unintelligible...

I've got a lot more, but real quick, before I go this something you're planning on mixing some more, or are you kinda' done with it...I only ask b/c I'm tired.
I like you punk bitches ! I'm lame witcha' dodes !

Good instrument performances, you are true to the genre, never 'pretentously punk'

While the vocal is mixed on top ... out front, the actual performance of the vocal is lacking a bit. Pronunciation, timing etc ... That takes practice, hell, write out some 3x5 notecares ... nail this shit man, you are a performer. Slack everywhere but in front of that mic.

Have some folks listen to the song, that have never, ever heard it. Have them write the lyrics down, see how much they can get. Make a decision ... how important are your lyrics.

Sounds decent at Lo-Fi.

But doubling the vocal under the circumstances you are recording in is not working. Try more of a 'speak sing approach' and less 'sing' ... work towards sing as you get better recording places ... treat that room with big pieces of 2" fiberglass ... lots of standing bass waves causing havoc in this recording.


Review others, if it's only to say something like ... 'uhhhh, cool dude'.

Learn by reviewing others.

If you can peel Chris's eyebrows off ... yer doin' pretty good ...
I took the time to listen and it really grew on me after a while.
Lots of energy here.
When I hear stuff like this, I think how nice it will be if this person or group REALLY takes the time to learn some recording techniques.........
"Running Hot" - some nice drum work in there and less reverb on them than you have on "Me Against the World" gives them better definition here. Sounds like some lo-fidelity equipment so my best quick-and-dirty advice would be to pan those guitars hard L and R, and add a little bottom EQ to them. Also, try some other effect for the main vocal, maybe just leave the doubled track (or effect) for the chorus to let it stand out a little more. Guitar is my instrument, but I'm not a fan of guitar solos generally and I think they add nothing to either song.
Thanks. I actually don't like the White Stripes except for this video I found on the internet where a bunch of punk rock kittens aer danicing to them ( lol. As for the recording, that was the first time we've ever recorded. A buddy of mine has a little home studio setup in his house. I believe it was his second attempt at it as well. The price was right. Free. Anyway, we just wanted to lay down some stuff just to see kind of where we wanted to go with it. He recorded everything live to an analog 8 track reel (1/2 inch I believe). He then recorded each track into a motu firewire card into his computer. It was mixed and played with nuendo 2.1. I know very little about any of this. I just kind of sat and watched. I'm sure we could remix it and make some of the changes you guys noted. As for the instruments and vocals. The bass was recorded direct. We initially had a vocal scratch track which was ultimately recorded over. I believe he sang it twice which you can hear. Also our singer was nursing a cold at the time. Anyway, thanks for input and sorry about the popups. Also, I will put up another song that kind of fell apart that was all a first take.
