MD8 to Mp3

Napoleon Solo

New member
What do I need to set up Mp3 files from my MD8? Also, the 2 aux sends on the MD8 are limiting so I was thinking about getting a Mackie or something that has 6 aux sends. I'm also thinking about trashing everything and going Pro Tools/Mackie/Hard drive. What do you think?
woah buddy...

Decide what you want before you go any further...

But if you do decide to stick with the MD8, here's how I get the shiznit on my computer.

MD8 --> Standalone CD burner
burned CD --> my computer (via audiograbber)
wav file --> soundforge (for mastering)
wav file --> cakewalk (for mixing if neccesary)
wav file --> back into soundforge for more mastering
wav file --> mp3 encoder
mp3 file --> to the masses

does that make sense? I'll go into more detail if needs be.

What about. . .

This may be obvious but what about going into a CDRW on the computer?
I ask because I'm looking to buy one (an HP I think) and I'm hoping to use this as part of my studio. Is there any major difference in features or sound quality between a standalone and a computer based CD burner?

Well to get the audio onto your computer's cd burner, your going to have to record it through your soundcard. That's the reason for having the standalone burner - you bypass the soundcard altogether. This is a good thing, because most consumer grade soundcards are going to be bad for your sound.
I have both a standalone, and a computer burner, and when I have my final wav I can either burn it back to a cd, or convert it to an mp3.

hope that helps.

Yes it does, thanks. I had a feeling that cramming your track through that little 1/8" connector probably wasn't a good thing.
If I could pester you a bit more, what about a Turtle Beach card or some kind of breakout box/AD/DA converter to get into the computer with?

BTW, is your name intentionally 'Goblin' spelled backwards?
Well, some people will tell you that one of those nice pro soundcards will work fine, but I'm like you, it just don't feel right going through that little cable.
A decent soundcard and a cd burner will cost about the same,
but if you go with the standalone burner, you HAVE a standalone burner for other things.

So yeah, I tend to have a little more faith with the burner.


p.s. Much speculation around my name, I can neither confirm not den anything.