
depends on your intended use. for rap vocals and if you won't need any additional channels of preamp for a while, you could look at some cleaner preamps like the grace m101 (around $550) or the true systems p-solo (around $600), univeral audio 110/solo, or preamps with "character" or "color" such as the universal audio 610/solo (around $800).
some people would tell you that a nice neve 1073 or api 312 will get the best results for an md421, because 421's are often used for drum close micing, guitar amps, rock vocals, etc.
if you're looking at a dynamic mic for rap vocals, you also might want to look at the shure sm-7b, heil sound pr-40, and ev re-20, which are all broadcast mics and generally do well with loud volume vocals recorded close up to the mic. they also reportedly flatter vocals more the closer you sing/spit to the mic as they are designed for dj's/talk radio hosts. full disclosure: i have never used any of these mics, but have been looking for a good mic that handles loud singers well, and you'll always see these mics mentioned (do searches here and on other recording oriented mb's)
i don't record a whole lot of rap, but when i have, i've gotten good sounds with my rode nt1000, but i am far from an expert on the subject.

obligatory: ymmv