Mbox2 or stick with DMP3?

acoustic84 said:
So ya really think the 400f wouldnt be much of an upgrade over the DMP3 ->Delta 66?

No, I do not think the pres and converters would be much of an upgrade, if any. That doesn't mean the 400f is not a great unit, though, for what it offers. It all depends on your needs.

I only need to record two channels at once, and I don't like "all-in-one preamp/converter boxes" because if I want to upgrade either the pres or converters later I am spending my money twice. So if it were me, I'd keep the Delta and save a little more until I could afford a couple of really nice pres like the DAVs or maybe a Hamptone or a Davisound. Then, at some point, if I decided I needed better converters, I would take the plunge and look at something like Lynx or Apogee--something I know would be a significant step up.

BTW, the ADA converters in the Kurzweil Rumor are reported to be extremely good, and you also get great reverbs for $500. It also has digital outs.
acoustic84 said:
I think that sounds pretty good kamikaze. The acoustic is nice an transparent. I would like to know what kind of mics you used, at least on the acoustic. Although Im pretty much stuck with my church's mics. The best acoustic ones they have are the at 4041's and 4051's. And the best vocal is probably the 4033, but they also have a 3060.

I was using a Sm57 at the fret board pointed towards the soundhole and a Shure KSM 27 3 feet away from the sound hole directly in front. All Neutrik cables.
acoustic84 said:
I would spend somewhere around $500 for 2 channels.

I like the stuff from Focusrite, but I don't think they make anything in the 2-channel variety. A lot of the other pre's I have experience with are in the upper price ranges.

So I was kind of browsing around the internet, and found a few things from Zzounds that might be possibilities. I've never heard the DMP3 though, so don't now how they compare.

ART MPA Gold Microphone Preamplifier - $269

ART Digital MPA Solid Gold Microphone Preamplifier - $359

PreSonus BlueTubeDP Stereo Tube Microphone Preamp -$199

You might want to also consider the USBPre from Sound Devices
Looks like it goes for around $549.

They make single channel analog pres for around $300 also, but don't have any two channel varieties
You could get your DMP3 fixed for about $50 by sending it to M-Audio, but you'll be without it for 2-3 weeks. A replacement can b had for $129 from Studica.com, which would give you three clean pres, to which you could add a mono pre with some color for vocs. The DMP3/Delta 66 combination is a good combo, and yields nice sounding acoustic tracks.
Robert D said:
You could get your DMP3 fixed for about $50 by sending it to M-Audio, but you'll be without it for 2-3 weeks.

That's probably your best bet, assuming you can go without for a few weeks, and you were happy with the sound before it broke. I agree, it sounded like a nice setup you had going.
Robert D said:
You could get your DMP3 fixed for about $50 by sending it to M-Audio, but you'll be without it for 2-3 weeks. A replacement can b had for $129 from Studica.com, which would give you three clean pres, to which you could add a mono pre with some color for vocs. The DMP3/Delta 66 combination is a good combo, and yields nice sounding acoustic tracks.
Thanks for the tip! I will probably go that route. Ive got other things I still need to get like acoustic treatment anyways. Changing the topic now, I kinda wanna keep audition now, but I guess I cant because I dont think it can record more than 2 tracks at a time, which sucks, but oh well.
acoustic84 said:
Thanks for the tip! I will probably go that route. Ive got other things I still need to get like acoustic treatment anyways. Changing the topic now, I kinda wanna keep audition now, but I guess I cant because I dont think it can record more than 2 tracks at a time, which sucks, but oh well.

So are you looking for new software then?
RAK said:
So are you looking for new software then?
Yea, maybe. But Im not totally sure if Im gonna need to record more than 2 channels at once, but if I do than Im screwed. Im just so familiar with audition now. I mentioned earlier that I would consider M-powered pro tools. Any other suggestions? I have ableton live, but i think its a demo version.
Also, a update on Pres. Not only am I gonna send my dmp3 to maudio, but Im also strongly considering getting a tampa for vocals. Vocals seem to be a little bland to me through the dmp3. Would a SP-C1 or KSM 27 be a significant upgrade over my B1?
Here it is

Protools software is great. However when it comes to the converters in the hardware it is no good. If you want pro it will NOT be in ANY DIGIDESIGN Hardware that supports LE. I have it and I know it. Yor best bet if you have the le hardware is to go through the adat option. CONVERTERS make a recording. Yes it's true pre's do to, but what good is a pre if your going through a bad converter?
honestly, i love Digi, i have the 002, but i dont feel good about the mbox.

they DID just come out with the MBox Pro which is firewire! that should be much better. i am very weary of USB audio stuffs.

i would say stay away from mbox.

also, what program are you using now? i have never used mpowered, but i have LE and i love it, but i suggest sticking with one thing and learning it well. if you've been doing this a while, well, you know the rest.
127Riot said:
Protools software is great. However when it comes to the converters in the hardware it is no good. If you want pro it will NOT be in ANY DIGIDESIGN Hardware that supports LE. I have it and I know it. Yor best bet if you have the le hardware is to go through the adat option. CONVERTERS make a recording. Yes it's true pre's do to, but what good is a pre if your going through a bad converter?

are you mad?

you dont like your 002?

maybe you got a bad one in the batch, but mine is awesome.
TragikRemix said:
are you mad?

you dont like your 002?

maybe you got a bad one in the batch, but mine is awesome.

He's just one of those guys trying to go against the grain, you know? People hate digi like they hate the Yankees and you'll get some of those hard feelings from people. I will say that I've never heard so many people complain about a product that they don't even use, just mind boggling.
I just snagged a tampa for 230 off of ebay. Not a bad deal I suppose. And if I get pro tools I will be getting m-powered because I have a delta 66. which I just noticed is putting crackling noises in my recordings. Its not my preamp, because Ive tried several and I got the same result. And nothings clipping either, so dont know what the deal is there. Im opening the comp right now to see if its loose or something, I dunno. It could be the cables I guess, but I doubt it. Ive tried several of those also.