Mbox mini + midi


New member
I am a total Newbie here. Full time Mech Eng. I like to fool around on Guitar and base.

I have Purchased Pro Tools 8 with the MBOX Mini. I want to add a MIDI Keyboard. I see that The MINI Does not have a midi interface.

Three Questions:
1) MIDI Keyboard under 150$
(M Audio Key Rig 25, , E Mu X Board 25?)

2) Do I need a midi interface , since the MBOX Mini does not have one?
3) If So,, Please recommend.

This is totally for leisure, I am not a pro and never will be. Just for fun.
Nowadays there are plenty of USB -> MIDI devices out there. If you're going to get a keyboard you might consider the M-Audio Axiom 25. Here's a link on Ebay Axiom 25 for $150. The reason that I'd suggest it is because it has 8 knobs, 8 pads, transit controls, pitch & mod wheels, big octave up/down butons, and a lot more functionality than the Key Rig.
The knobs and pads are great to have. The pads are a lot of fun for triggering drums, percussion, or other samples. The knobs will help you with the expressiveness of your synths and effects. Transit controls are always nice to have so you're not always reaching for the mouse. That's just my 2 cents.
I don't run Protools or have an MBOX so you might want to wait for another opinion. In Ableton Live having all of that control is really nice. Have fun making music.