MBox Compatiblity Question


New member
I was under the impression that MBox (as well as all other Digi hardwares) only work with Pro Tools, but then I discovered that I can playback mp3s thru iTunes with MBox. So I started to wonder, what other programs will work with MBox. Will Sound Forge work? Windows Media Player? Cubase Cakewalk?

nope...another misconception about Digidesign. Here's a small list of the Digi tested software programs that work with their hardware:

Ableton LIVE Digidesign Edition
Applied Acoustics Systems Lounge Lizard v1.0 and v2.0
Applied Acoustics Systems Tassman v3.02
Arturia Moog Modular V v1.1
Emagic Logic Audio 5.01
Image Line Fruity Loops 3
Native Instruments Absynth v2.01
Native Instruments B4 v1.1.1
Native Instruments Battery v1.1
Native Instruments FM7 v1.1
Native Instruments Kontakt v1.2.1
Native Instruments Pro-52 v2.5
Native Instruments Pro-53 v1.0
Native Instruments Reaktor v3.0
Propellerhead Reason 2.0
Propellerhead Reason Adapted
Sonic Foundry Acid Pro 4.0
Sonic Foundry Vegas 4.0
Steinberg Cubase SX 1.06
Steinberg Nuendo 1.5.2 and 2.01
Steinberg Wavelab 4.0

Microsoft Media Player 8.x and 9
Musicmatch Jukebox 8.0
Nullsoft Winamp 2.91 and 3.0
Propellerhead Rebirth 2.01
Sonic Foundry CD Architect 5.0
Sonic Foundry Sound Forge 4.x and 6.0