Mbox 2 and DMP3 question


New member
I just hooked up my DMP3 to my mbox 2, but do I have to adjust the gain on both the mbox 2 and the DMP3? Or should I turn the gain all the way down on Mbox 2 and than adjust on the DMP3?
I just hooked up my DMP3 to my mbox 2, but do I have to adjust the gain on both the mbox 2 and the DMP3? Or should I turn the gain all the way down on Mbox 2 and than adjust on the DMP3?

There's a little bump on the circle around the gain knob of the Mbox 2. It signifies the line inputs unity gain (AFAIK). Once the input of the Mbox 2 is set to line, and the knob is set to unity (no pad), then you should use the gain on the DMP3 to gain the signal healthily into the preamp, and then use the output to adjust the level sent into Pro Tools to ensure the cleanest signal.