Mbox 1


I have an mbox 1 with PT le 6.9.
I also have a presonus firepod and firebox using cubase le4 and logic express 08.
I do most of my recording on the PT daw because having compared the actual
sound of the recordings especially vocals I find the mbox more alive.
I can use an analog mic (an old akg 500) and get acceptably good quality wheras
with the same mic on my presonus setup it seems dull and lifeless.
I've heard that the mbox 1 has 'focusrite' preamps and thats the reason for
the difference.
Is this true?

I think you're right; People say the original mbox had a focusrite preamp.

To be sure it's the preamp you prefer, make sure you eliminate every other variable.
Record dry - don't use any effects.
Make sure both recordings used the same mic in the same room.

If these recordings are in different rooms, that could make a massive difference.