Maybe getting little better at this?

Sage advice, Rami.

Also remember there's other important elements to sound that don't purely include the notes.

The strum ... what make the guitar a rhythm instrument ... occurs on an acoustic guitar largely around 95 cycles.
LDS, one piece of advice I can give you is that you should NEVER do anything unless you HEAR the difference and unless you know why you're doing it.

The thing I'm running into with my current bad is that they have a misplaced belief that I can "fix it in the mix."

I've been working a lot with the drummer, and he's finally getting consistent enough that I don't have to amplify/limit/compress and otherwise tweak individual drum hits to try and achieve some semblance of balance. On a few recent tracks it has takren very little additional snare to augment the overheads, a refreshing change from spending hours trying to get something even remotely usable.

Now to get his timing consistent enough to be able to clone pieces from one part of a song to another. I've loaned him a metronome and a practice pad since he doesn't have room for drums in his apartment, and the practice seems to be doing him well. Hell, I even got him to wear headphones with a click track the last time we tracked. He wasn't in the same zip code as the click most of the time, but at least he's finally trying...