Maxi Studio ISIS XL


New member
Has anyone used this card?
Does it lay down 8 separate tracks on your HD, or does it accept 8 tracks on the break-out box, but bring them down to one or two tracks before sending them to the HD?
This card is on my short list for a DAW using my existing computer.
check thru the MP3 Mixing Clinic for posts from jrlemonz....he uses the ISIS with a Mackie VLZ mixer....he also has mp3's at , search Inner Truth......
I think you can use each track seperately on the ISIS.

I got a friend who uses the ISIS and he never had any problems with it. A local salesman told me he didn't want to sell them much, because they weren't stable enough on all motherboards though.
I have one - it's not the easiest card to get to work but it is cheap. With the XL the problem some had with the Dream 331 chip is gone thankfully so I'm told but I have never seen the innards of the XL version. Mine has Dream 331 on it and has problems that require work arounds - my machine won't find the ISIS on restart and more troublesome a -42.2 dB random static background noise floor on startup that requires a reboot to eliminate - some of the machine configs I have used with the ISIS have had to be booted for about 25 minutes until they have booted clear with the regular background noise of -90 dB. This is clearly a pain in the arse !

latency is bad, works better with full Logic not the cut down version they ship. BTW I never received a single reply from the manufacturer re any of the problems.

Overall I'd say get something else like digi 001 ( I built a DAW with a P3 1 gig, digi 001 etc - faultless).

I have one - it's not the easiest card to get to work but it is cheap. With the XL the problem some had with the Dream 331 chip is gone thankfully so I'm told but I have never seen the innards of the XL version. Mine has Dream 331 on it and has problems that require work arounds - my machine won't find the ISIS on restart and more troublesome a -42.2 dB random static background noise floor on startup that requires a reboot to eliminate - some of the machine configs I have used with the ISIS have had to be booted for about 25 minutes until they have booted clear with the regular background noise of -90 dB. This is clearly a pain in the arse !

latency is bad, works better with full Logic not the cut down version they ship. BTW I never received a single reply from the manufacturer re any of the problems.

Overall I'd say get something else like digi 001 ( I built a DAW with a P3 1 gig, digi 001 etc - faultless).
To answer your question you can record eight mono tracks at once through the unbalanced ins.