Matt Argyle Band new songs. Please listen.

Peter Lancaster

New member
Here are two songs that I recorded and have just finished mixing for my band's debut album which will be released at the end of the month.

The album is being mastered next Thursday.

I'd appreciate your thoughts on these mixes.


On The Edge

Many thanks, Pete.
This is gonna sound retarded.
I think the kick could use some light reverb
And the snare could use a bump in the 8k region with a sorta wide Q.

All else was ok.

Great job!
You're going to hate my guts cause I hate it when people say crap like this to me.
That fill reminds me so much of Matchbox20's 3AM that it makes me sing "baby" in my head. I'm so sorry for saying that.

OK, I like the song and I like your band. The acoustic guitars sound a bit muffled on the first song, not as much in the second. when I have stuff actually mastered my acoustic guitars always end up sounding wierd, so they may just work out in the end. It's a good overall sound for me, I'd like to hear the final and see what comes out of your master.

Since you're in the UK is this what "British sound" is now? :)

Just thought I'd ask.

No problem. It's always fun to find out what other people hear in your music. We get a lot of people here comparing us to The Beautiful South. We can't really hear the similarities, but so what.

British sound? Ha, ha, ha. I think you can probably tell that we listen to Counting Crows, Matchbox 20, Cracker, Wilco, Matthew Sweet, Barenaked Ladies, Blue Rodeo, Cowboy Junkies, Dave Matthews Band, etc. I'm not sure we could be more North American in our listening habits, but Matt did live and work in Canada so I think it's allowed.

For a British sound check out The Libertines. They seem to be flavour of month here, although personally I'd rather listen to Goldie Lookin Chain.

Here are the mastered versions of the songs


On The Edge

Feel free to compare the mastered and unmastered (linked from the first post in this thread) versions.

They were mastered by Dave Blackman at Hilton Grove, London using a TC Electronic System 6000 and SADiE editing system. All he did was tighten up the bass with some compression, remove some mids, boost the high end and apply a brick wall limiter. He mastered the 10 tracks on the album in 4 hours.

The album is currently being duplicated and will exist in a physical form in a couple of weeks. You can pre order your copy from the Matt Argyle Band website for £10 including postage and packing regardless of destination.

In the near future we will have direct US distribution from CD Baby.

Also the album and songs from it will be available for download from the iTunes Music Store.
